# Motivation A script to automatically mark entires as read in miniflux using its api # How to use ## Dependencies python3-requests ## config file [options] # instance of miniflux url=https://example.com # generated token from miniflux token=??????????????????????????????????????????? # age of entries that should be marked as read age=86400 # categories that should be ignored (entries will not be marked as read) ignore=audio & video ## systemd service The systemd service file can be located in .config/systemd/user [Unit] Description=mark certain entries as read in miniflux [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 ./mark_as_read.py --config ./mark_as_read.ini ## systemd timer The systemd timer file can be located in .config/systemd/user [Unit] Description=mark certain entries as read in miniflux [Timer] OnCalendar=daily [Install] WantedBy=timers.target