% title 'Accounts'; % my ($type) = q{}; % my $inter_header = begin % my $group = shift; % end % while ( my $account = $accounts->next ) { % my $bal = $account->balance; % my $t = $account->type // q{}; % if ( $type ne $t ) { % $type = $t; <%= $inter_header->($t) %> % } % my $u = $account->ID; % } # while
AccountEven untilArrearsTransferAvailableEarnedPromisedHistoryReport
<%= $group || 'Club management accounts' %> Charge all at once
<%= $u %> <%= $bal->even_until // "never" %><%== money $bal->arrears %>ListCharge % my $which = ($bal->arrears && 1) + ($bal->available && 1); % if ( $which == 2 ) { › ready ‹ % } % elsif ( $which ) { <%== $bal->arrears ? q{›} : q{ } %> wait <%== $bal->available ? q{‹} : q{ } %> % } % else { even % } <%== money $bal->available %>ListCredit<%== money $bal->earned %><%== money $bal->promised %>HistoryReport
% stash links => [ '/account' => "Create account", '/batch-processor' => "Batch Processor", '/bankStatement' => "Reconstructed bank statement" ]; % stash help => $_ for begin

Column explanation

Even until
Date of the debt/bill up to and including which all is settled. Within each group (i.e. account type), accounts are ordered by this ascending date.
Debits or partial amounts of which are still outstanding
View of credit and debit for you to match and have the software transfer money in between automatically. ready means you need to take action. wait means there is no money to transfer as either credit or debit is 0, or even if the account is even.
Credits that have not been used or not to full extent, yet
Paid debits targetting credits of that account.
Unpaid or not fully paid debits targetting credits of that account.
% end