-- look_clean.lua drawing engine configuration file for Ion. if not gr.select_engine("de") then return end de.reset() de.defstyle("*", { shadow_colour = "#233340", highlight_colour = "#233340", background_colour = "#233340", foreground_colour = "grey", padding_pixels = 0, highlight_pixels = 1, shadow_pixels = 1, border_style = "elevated", font = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*", text_align = "center", }) de.defstyle("tab", { font = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*", de.substyle("*", { shadow_colour = "grey15", highlight_colour = "grey15", background_colour = "black", foreground_colour = "grey50", }), de.substyle("active-selected", { shadow_colour = "#233340", highlight_colour = "#233340", background_colour = "#233340", foreground_colour = "grey90", }), de.substyle("active-unselected", { shadow_colour = "grey15", highlight_colour = "grey15", background_colour = "grey15", foreground_colour = "grey", }), de.substyle("inactive-selected", { shadow_colour = "#2A3D4D", highlight_colour = "#2A3D4D", background_colour = "black", foreground_colour = "grey70", }), de.substyle("inactive-unselected", { shadow_colour = "grey15", highlight_colour = "grey15", background_colour = "black", foreground_colour = "grey50", }), text_align = "center", }) de.defstyle("input", { foreground_colour = "white", de.substyle("*-cursor", { background_colour = "white", foreground_colour = "#405d75", }), de.substyle("*-selection", { background_colour = "#aaaaaa", foreground_colour = "black", }), font = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*", }) -- Common settings for the "clean" styles de.defstyle("frame", { background_colour = "#000000", de.substyle("active", { -- Something detached from the frame is active -- padding_colour = "#314759", --padding_colour = "#233340", padding_colour = "grey40", }), de.substyle("quasiactive", { -- Something detached from the frame is active -- padding_colour = "#FF0000", // XXX ask tuomo about this, how to make it work in reverse? padding_colour = "#233340", }), de.substyle("userattr1", { -- For user scripts padding_colour = "#009010", }), padding_pixels = 1, }) de.defstyle("frame-tiled", { shadow_pixels = 0, highlight_pixels = 0, spacing = 1, }) de.defstyle("frame-tiled-alt", { bar = "none", }) de.defstyle("frame-floating", { bar = "shaped", padding_pixels = 0, }) de.defstyle("frame-transient", { bar = "none", padding_pixels = 0, }) de.defstyle("actnotify", { shadow_colour = "#c04040", highlight_colour = "#c04040", background_colour = "#901010", foreground_colour = "#eeeeee", }) de.defstyle("tab", { de.substyle("*-*-*-unselected-activity", { shadow_colour = "#c04040", highlight_colour = "#c04040", background_colour = "#901010", foreground_colour = "#eeeeee", }), de.substyle("*-*-*-selected-activity", { shadow_colour = "#c04040", highlight_colour = "#c04040", background_colour = "#b03030", foreground_colour = "#ffffff", }), de.substyle("*-*-*-tabnumber", { background_colour = "black", foreground_colour = "green", }), }) de.defstyle("tab-frame", { spacing = 1, }) de.defstyle("tab-frame-floating", { spacing = 0, }) de.defstyle("tab-menuentry", { text_align = "left", de.substyle("inactive-selected", { background_colour = "#233340", }), }) de.defstyle("tab-menuentry-big", { font = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*", padding_pixels = 7, }) de.defstyle("stdisp", { shadow_pixels = 0, highlight_pixels = 0, text_align = "left", background_colour = "#000000", foreground_colour = "grey", font="-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*", de.substyle("important", { foreground_colour = "green", }), de.substyle("critical", { foreground_colour = "red", }), de.substyle("separator", { -- foreground_colour = "#405d75", foreground_colour = "blue", -- foreground_colour = "#8a999e", }), }) de.defstyle("tab-menuentry-big", { padding_pixels = 7, font = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*", }) gr.refresh()