" -*- vim -*- " (C) 2001-2020 by William Lee, " }}} if exists('g:loaded_dirdiff') finish endif let g:loaded_dirdiff = 1 " Public Interface: command! -nargs=* -complete=dir DirDiff call DirDiff () command! -nargs=0 DirDiffOpen call DirDiffOpen () command! -nargs=0 DirDiffNext call DirDiffNext () command! -nargs=0 DirDiffPrev call DirDiffPrev () command! -nargs=0 DirDiffUpdate call DirDiffUpdate () command! -nargs=0 DirDiffQuit call DirDiffQuit () " The following comamnds can be used in the Vim diff mode: " " \dg - Diff get: maps to :diffget " \dp - Diff put: maps to :diffput " \dj - Diff next: (think j for down) " \dk - Diff previous: (think k for up) if get(g:, 'DirDiffEnableMappings', 0) silent! exe 'nnoremap ' . get(g:, 'DirDiffGetKeyMap', 'dg') . ' :diffget' silent! exe 'nnoremap ' . get(g:, 'DirDiffPutKeyMap', 'dp') . ' :diffput' silent! exe 'nnoremap ' . get(g:, 'DirDiffNextKeyMap', 'dj') . ' :DirDiffNext' silent! exe 'nnoremap ' . get(g:, 'DirDiffPrevKeyMap', 'dk') . ' :DirDiffPrev' endif " Global Maps: " Default Variables. You can override these in your global variables " settings. " " For DirDiffExcludes and DirDiffIgnore, separate different patterns with a " ',' (comma and no space!). " " eg. in your .vimrc file: let g:DirDiffExcludes = "CVS,*.class,*.o" " let g:DirDiffIgnore = "Id:" " " ignore white space in diff " let g:DirDiffAddArgs = "-w" " " You can set the pattern that diff excludes. Defaults to the CVS directory if !exists("g:DirDiffExcludes") let g:DirDiffExcludes = "" endif " This is the -I argument of the diff, ignore the lines of differences that " matches the pattern if !exists("g:DirDiffIgnore") let g:DirDiffIgnore = "" endif if !exists("g:DirDiffSort") let g:DirDiffSort = 1 endif if !exists("g:DirDiffWindowSize") let g:DirDiffWindowSize = 14 endif if !exists("g:DirDiffInteractive") let g:DirDiffInteractive = 0 endif if !exists("g:DirDiffIgnoreCase") let g:DirDiffIgnoreCase = 0 endif if !exists("g:DirDiffTheme") let g:DirDiffTheme = "" endif if !exists("g:DirDiffSimpleMap") let g:DirDiffSimpleMap = 0 endif " Additional arguments if !exists("g:DirDiffAddArgs") let g:DirDiffAddArgs = "" endif " Support for i18n (dynamically figure out the diff text) " Defaults to off if !exists("g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText") let g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText = 0 endif if !exists("g:DirDiffIgnoreFileNameCase") let g:DirDiffIgnoreFileNameCase = 0 endif " Force set the LANG variable before running the C command. Default to C. " Set to "" to not set the variable. if !exists("g:DirDiffForceLang") let g:DirDiffForceLang = "C" endif " Force the shell to run the diff command to be this. If set to an empty " string, the shell would not be changed. if !exists("g:DirDiffForceShell") let g:DirDiffForceShell = "" endif let g:DirDiffLangString = "" if (g:DirDiffForceLang != "") if has('win32') && !has('win32unix') let g:DirDiffLangString = 'SET LANG=' . g:DirDiffForceLang . ' && ' else let g:DirDiffLangString = 'LANG=' . g:DirDiffForceLang . ' ' endif endif " String used for the English equivalent "Files " if !exists("g:DirDiffTextFiles") let g:DirDiffTextFiles = "Files " endif " String used for the English equivalent " and " if !exists("g:DirDiffTextAnd") let g:DirDiffTextAnd = " and " endif " String used for the English equivalent " differ") if !exists("g:DirDiffTextDiffer") let g:DirDiffTextDiffer = " differ" endif " String used for the English equivalent "Only in ") if !exists("g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn") let g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn = "Only in " endif " String used for the English equivalent ": ") if !exists("g:DirDiffTextOnlyInCenter") let g:DirDiffTextOnlyInCenter = ": " endif " Set some script specific variables: " let s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine = 6 let s:DirDiffALine = 1 let s:DirDiffBLine = 2 " -- Variables used in various utilities if has("unix") let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = "cp" let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = "" let s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd = "cp" let s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags = "-rf" let s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag = "-i" let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = "rm" let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = "" let s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag = "-i" let s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd = "rm" let s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags = "-rf" let s:sep = "/" let s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd = "!mkdir " elseif has("win32") let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = "copy" let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = "" let s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd = "xcopy" let s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags = "/e /i /q" let s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag = "/-y" let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = "del" let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = "/s /q" let s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag = "/p" " Windows is somewhat stupid since "del" can only remove the files, not " the directory. The command "rd" would remove files recursively, but it " doesn't really work on a file (!). where is the deltree command??? let s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd = "rd" " rd is by default prompting, we need to handle this in a different way let s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags = "/s" let s:DirDiffDeleteDirQuietFlag = "/q" let s:sep = "\\" let s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd = "!mkdir " else " Platforms not supported let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = "" let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = "" let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = "" let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = "" let s:sep = "" endif function! DirDiff(srcA, srcB) " Setup let DirDiffAbsSrcA = fnamemodify(expand(a:srcA, ":p"), ":p") let DirDiffAbsSrcB = fnamemodify(expand(a:srcB, ":p"), ":p") " Check for an internationalized version of diff ? call GetDiffStrings() " Remove the trailing \ or / let DirDiffAbsSrcA = substitute(DirDiffAbsSrcA, '\\$\|/$', '', '') let DirDiffAbsSrcB = substitute(DirDiffAbsSrcB, '\\$\|/$', '', '') let s:FilenameDiffWindow = tempname() " We first write to that file " Constructs the command line let langStr = "" let cmd = "!" . g:DirDiffLangString . "diff" let cmdarg = " -r --brief" if (g:DirDiffIgnoreFileNameCase) let cmdarg = cmdarg." --ignore-file-name-case" endif " If variable is set, we ignore the case if (g:DirDiffIgnoreCase) let cmdarg = cmdarg." -i" endif if (g:DirDiffAddArgs != "") let cmdarg = cmdarg." ".g:DirDiffAddArgs." " endif if (g:DirDiffExcludes != "") let cmdarg = cmdarg.' -x"'.substitute(g:DirDiffExcludes, ',', '" -x"', 'g').'"' endif if (g:DirDiffIgnore != "") let cmdarg = cmdarg.' -I"'.substitute(g:DirDiffIgnore, ',', '" -I"', 'g').'"' endif " Prompt the user for additional arguments " let addarg = input("Additional diff args (current =". cmdarg. "): ") let addarg = "" let cmd = cmd.cmdarg." ".addarg." \"".DirDiffAbsSrcA."\" \"".DirDiffAbsSrcB."\"" let cmd = cmd." > \"".s:FilenameDiffWindow."\"" echo "Diffing directories, it may take a while..." let error = DirDiffExec(cmd, 0) if (error == 0) redraw | echom "diff found no differences - directories match." return endif silent exe "edit ".s:FilenameDiffWindow echo "Defining [A] and [B] ... " " We then do a substitution on the directory path " We need to do substitution of the the LONGER string first, otherwise " it'll mix up the A and B directory if (strlen(DirDiffAbsSrcA) > strlen(DirDiffAbsSrcB)) silent! exe "%s/".EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcA)."/[A]/" silent! exe "%s/".EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcB)."/[B]/" else silent! exe "%s/".EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcB)."/[B]/" silent! exe "%s/".EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcA)."/[A]/" endif " In windows, diff behaves somewhat weirdly, for the appened path it'll " use "/" instead of "\". Convert this to \ if (has("win32")) silent! %s/\//\\/g endif echo "Sorting entries ..." " We then sort the lines if the option is set if (g:DirDiffSort == 1) 1,$call Sort("s:Strcmp") endif " Put in spacer in front of each line silent! %s/^/ / " We then put the file [A] and [B] on top of the diff lines call append(0, "[A]=". DirDiffAbsSrcA) call append(1, "[B]=". DirDiffAbsSrcB) if get(g:, 'DirDiffEnableMappings', 0) call append(2, "Usage: /'o'=open,'s'=sync,'dg'=diffget,'dp'=diffput,'dj'=next,'dk'=prev, 'q'=quit") else call append(2, "Usage: /'o'=open,'s'=sync,'q'=quit") endif call append(3, "Options: 'u'=update,'x'=set excludes,'i'=set ignore,'a'=set args, 'h'=hex mode, 'w'=wrap mode") call append(4, "Diff Args:" . cmdarg) call append(5, "") " go to the beginning of the file 0 setlocal filetype=dirdiff setlocal nomodified setlocal nomodifiable setlocal buftype=nowrite "setlocal buftype=nofile "setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal nowrap " Set up local key bindings " 'n' actually messes with the search next pattern, I think using \dj and " \dk is enough. Otherwise, use j,k, and enter. " nnoremap n :call DirDiffNext() " nnoremap p :call DirDiffPrev() nnoremap s :. call DirDiffSync() vnoremap s :call DirDiffSync() nnoremap u :call DirDiffUpdate() nnoremap x :call ChangeExcludes() nnoremap a :call ChangeArguments() nnoremap i :call ChangeIgnore() nnoremap h :call DirDiffHexmode() nnoremap w :call DirDiffWrapmode() nnoremap q :call DirDiffQuit() nnoremap o :call DirDiffOpen() nnoremap :call DirDiffOpen() nnoremap <2-Leftmouse> :call DirDiffOpen() call SetupSyntax() " Open the first diff call DirDiffNext() endfunction " Set up syntax highlighing for the diff window "function! SetupSyntax() function! SetupSyntax() if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") "&& !has("syntax_items") syn match DirDiffSrcA "\[A\]" syn match DirDiffSrcB "\[B\]" syn match DirDiffUsage "^Usage.*" syn match DirDiffOptions "^Options.*" " exec 'syn match DirDiffFiles "' . s:DirDiffDifferLine .'"' " exec 'syn match DirDiffOnly "' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '"' syn match DirDiffSelected "^==>.*" contains=DirDiffSrcA,DirDiffSrcB hi def link DirDiffSrcA Directory hi def link DirDiffSrcB Type hi def link DirDiffUsage Special hi def link DirDiffOptions Special hi def link DirDiffFiles String hi def link DirDiffOnly PreProc hi def link DirDiffSelected DiffChange endif endfunction " You should call this within the diff window function! DirDiffUpdate() let dirA = GetBaseDir("A") let dirB = GetBaseDir("B") call DirDiff(dirA, dirB) endfun " Quit the DirDiff mode function! DirDiffQuit() let in = confirm ("Are you sure you want to quit DirDiff?", "&Yes\n&No", 2) if (in == 1) call SaveDiffWindowsIfModified() bd! endif unlet! s:FilenameDiffWindow unlet! s:FilenameA unlet! s:FilenameB unlet! s:LastMode endfun " Returns an escaped version of the path for regex uses function! EscapeDirForRegex(path) " This list is probably not complete, modify later return escape(a:path, "/\\[]$^~") endfunction " Closes a specified window function! AskToSaveFileIfModified(file) let bufNum = bufnr(a:file) if !bufexists(bufNum) return endif call SaveIfModified(bufNum) endfunction " Close the opened diff comparison windows if they exist function! SaveDiffWindowsIfModified() if exists("s:FilenameA") call AskToSaveFileIfModified(s:FilenameA) endif if exists("s:FilenameA") call AskToSaveFileIfModified(s:FilenameB) endif endfunction " Toggle hexmode from http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Hex function ToggleHex() " hex mode should be considered a read-only operation " save values for modified and read-only for restoration later, " and clear the read-only flag for now let l:modified=&mod let l:oldreadonly=&readonly let &readonly=0 let l:oldmodifiable=&modifiable let &modifiable=1 if !exists("b:editHex") || !b:editHex " save old options let b:oldft=&ft let b:oldbin=&bin " set new options setlocal binary " make sure it overrides any textwidth, etc. let &ft="xxd" " set status let b:editHex=1 " switch to hex editor silent %!xxd else " restore old options let &ft=b:oldft if !b:oldbin setlocal nobinary endif " set status let b:editHex=0 " return to normal editing silent %!xxd -r endif " restore values for modified and read only state let &mod=l:modified let &readonly=l:oldreadonly let &modifiable=l:oldmodifiable endfunction function! DirDiffHexmode() wincmd k call ToggleHex() wincmd l call ToggleHex() " Go back to the diff window wincmd j endfunction function! DirDiffWrapmode() wincmd k setlocal wrap! wincmd l setlocal wrap! " Go back to the diff window wincmd j endfunction function! EscapeFileName(path) if (v:version >= 702) return fnameescape(a:path) else " This is not a complete list of escaped character, so it's " not as sophisicated as the fnameescape, but this should " cover most of the cases and should work for Vim version < " 7.2 return escape(a:path, " \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<") endif endfunction function! EchoErr(varName, varValue) echoe '' . a:varName . ' : ' . a:varValue endfunction function! Drop(fname) " We need to replace the :drop implementation due to this issue: " https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1503. Thus if wideignore is set the " command would no work. This is intended to work around that issue let winid = bufwinid(a:fname) if winid > 0 call win_gotoid(winid) else exe 'edit ' a:fname endif endfunction function! GotoDiffWindow() call Drop(s:FilenameDiffWindow) endfunction function! DirDiffOpen() " Ensure we're in the right window call GotoDiffWindow() if exists("b:currentDiff") && b:currentDiff == line(".") return endif " First dehighlight the last marked line call DeHighlightLine() " Close existing diff windows call SaveDiffWindowsIfModified() " Change back to the right window call GotoDiffWindow() let line = getline(".") let b:currentDiff = line(".") let previousFileA = exists("s:FilenameA") ? s:FilenameA : "" let previousFileB = exists("s:FilenameB") ? s:FilenameB : "" " Parse the line and see whether it's a "Only in" or "Files Differ" call HighlightLine() let fileA = GetFileNameFromLine("A", line) let fileB = GetFileNameFromLine("B", line) let s:FilenameA = EscapeFileName(fileA) let s:FilenameB = EscapeFileName(fileB) if IsOnly(line) " We open the file let fileSrc = ParseOnlySrc(line) if (fileSrc == "A") let fileToOpen = s:FilenameA elseif (fileSrc == "B") let fileToOpen = s:FilenameB endif if exists("s:LastMode") if s:LastMode == 2 silent exec "bd ".bufnr(previousFileA) call Drop(previousFileB) silent exec "edit ".fileToOpen else let previousFile = (s:LastMode == "A") ? previousFileA : previousFileB call Drop(previousFile) silent exec "edit ".fileToOpen silent exec "bd ".bufnr(previousFile) endif else silent exec "split ".fileToOpen endif " Fool the window saying that this is diff diffthis call GotoDiffWindow() " Resize the window exe("resize " . g:DirDiffWindowSize) exe (b:currentDiff) let s:LastMode = fileSrc elseif IsDiffer(line) if exists("s:LastMode") if s:LastMode == 2 call Drop(previousFileA) silent exec "edit ".s:FilenameA diffthis silent exec "bd ".bufnr(previousFileA) call Drop(previousFileB) silent exec "edit ".s:FilenameB diffthis silent exec "bd ".bufnr(previousFileB) else let previousFile = (s:LastMode == "A") ? previousFileA : previousFileB call Drop(previousFile) silent exec "edit ".s:FilenameB silent exec "bd ".bufnr(previousFile) diffthis " To ensure that A is on the left and B on the right, splitright must be off silent exec "leftabove vert diffsplit ".s:FilenameA endif else "Open the diff windows silent exec "split ".s:FilenameB " To ensure that A is on the left and B on the right, splitright must be off silent exec "leftabove vert diffsplit ".s:FilenameA endif " Go back to the diff window call GotoDiffWindow() " Resize the window exe("resize " . g:DirDiffWindowSize) exe (b:currentDiff) " Center the line exe ("normal z.") let s:LastMode = 2 else echo "There is no diff at the current line!" endif endfunction " Ask the user to save if the buffer is modified " function! SaveIfModified(bufNum) if &autowriteall return endif if (getbufvar(a:bufNum, "&modified")) let name = bufname(a:bufNum) let fullName = fnamemodify(name, ":p") let input = confirm("File " . fullName . " has been modified.", "&Save\nCa&ncel", 1) if (input == 1) cal Drop(name) exec "w! ".name endif endif endfunction " Highlights the selected line in the diff window " function! HighlightLine() let savedLine = line(".") exe (b:currentDiff) setlocal modifiable let line = getline(".") if (match(line, "^ ") == 0) let line = substitute(line, "^ ", "==> ", "") call setline(savedLine, line) endif setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified exe (savedLine) " This is necessary since the modified file would make the syntax " disappear. call SetupSyntax() redraw endfunction " Removes the highlight from the selected line in the diff window " function! DeHighlightLine() let savedLine = line(".") exe (b:currentDiff) let line = getline(".") setlocal modifiable if (match(line, "^==> ") == 0) let line = substitute(line, "^==> ", " ", "") call setline(line("."), line) endif setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified exe (savedLine) redraw endfunction " Returns the directory for buffer "A" or "B". You need to be in the diff " buffer though. function! GetBaseDir(diffName) let currLine = line(".") if (a:diffName == "A") let baseLine = s:DirDiffALine else let baseLine = s:DirDiffBLine endif let regex = '\['.a:diffName.'\]=\(.*\)' let line = getline(baseLine) let rtn = substitute(line, regex , '\1', '') return rtn endfunction function! DirDiffNext() " If the current window is a diff, go down one call GotoDiffWindow() " if the current line is <= 6, (within the header range), we go to the " first diff line open it if (line(".") < s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine) exe (s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine) let b:currentDiff = line(".") endif silent! exe (b:currentDiff + 1) call DirDiffOpen() endfunction function! DirDiffPrev() " If the current window is a diff, go down one call GotoDiffWindow() silent! exe (b:currentDiff - 1) call DirDiffOpen() endfunction " For each line, we can perform a recursive copy or delete to sync up the " difference. Returns non-zero if the operation is NOT successful, returns 0 " if everything is fine. " function! DirDiffSyncHelper(AB, line) let fileA = GetFileNameFromLine("A", a:line) let fileB = GetFileNameFromLine("B", a:line) " echo "Helper line is ". a:line. " fileA " . fileA . " fileB " . fileB if IsOnly(a:line) " If a:AB is "A" and the ParseOnlySrc returns "A", that means we need to " copy let fileSrc = ParseOnlySrc(a:line) let operation = "" if (a:AB == "A" && fileSrc == "A") let operation = "Copy" " Use A, and A has source, thus copy the file from A to B let fileFrom = fileA let fileTo = fileB elseif (a:AB == "A" && fileSrc == "B") let operation = "Delete" " Use A, but B has source, thus delete the file from B let fileFrom = fileB let fileTo = fileA elseif (a:AB == "B" && fileSrc == "A") let operation = "Delete" " Use B, but the source file is A, thus removing A let fileFrom = fileA let fileTo = fileB elseif (a:AB == "B" && fileSrc == "B") " Use B, and B has the source file, thus copy B to A let operation = "Copy" let fileFrom = fileB let fileTo = fileA endif elseif IsDiffer(a:line) " Copy no matter what let operation = "Copy" if (a:AB == "A") let fileFrom = fileA let fileTo = fileB elseif (a:AB == "B") let fileFrom = fileB let fileTo = fileA endif else echo "There is no diff here!" " Error return 1 endif if (operation == "Copy") let rtnCode = Copy(fileFrom, fileTo) elseif (operation == "Delete") let rtnCode = Delete(fileFrom) endif return rtnCode endfunction " Synchronize the range function! DirDiffSync() range let answer = 1 let silence = 0 let syncMaster = "A" let currLine = a:firstline let lastLine = a:lastline let syncCount = 0 while ((currLine <= lastLine)) " Update the highlight call DeHighlightLine() let b:currentDiff = currLine call HighlightLine() let line = getline(currLine) if (!silence) let answer = confirm(substitute(line, "^....", '', ''). "\nSynchronization option:" , "&A -> B\n&B -> A\nA&lways A\nAl&ways B\n&Skip\nCa&ncel", 6) if (answer == 1 || answer == 3) let syncMaster = "A" endif if (answer == 2 || answer == 4) let syncMaster = "B" endif if (answer == 3 || answer == 4) let silence = 1 endif if (answer == 5) let currLine = currLine + 1 continue endif if (answer == 6) break endif endif " call DeHighlightLine() let rtnCode = DirDiffSyncHelper(syncMaster, line) if (rtnCode == 0) " Successful let syncCount = syncCount + 1 " Assume that the line is synchronized, we delete the entry setlocal modifiable exe (currLine.",".currLine." delete") setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified let lastLine = lastLine - 1 else " Failed! let currLine = currLine + 1 endif endwhile redraw! echo syncCount . " diff item(s) synchronized." endfunction " Return file "A" or "B" depending on the line given. If it's a Only line, " either A or B does not exist, but the according value would be returned. function! GetFileNameFromLine(AB, line) " Determine where the source of the copy is. let dirA = GetBaseDir("A") let dirB = GetBaseDir("B") let fileToProcess = "" if IsOnly(a:line) let fileToProcess = ParseOnlyFile(a:line) elseif IsDiffer(a:line) let regex = '^.*' . s:DirDiffDifferLine . '\[A\]\(.*\)' . s:DirDiffDifferAndLine . '\[B\]\(.*\)' . s:DirDiffDifferEndLine . '.*$' let fileToProcess = substitute(a:line, regex, '\1', '') else endif "echo "line : " . a:line. "AB = " . a:AB . " File to Process " . fileToProcess if (a:AB == "A") return dirA . fileToProcess elseif (a:AB == "B") return dirB . fileToProcess else return "" endif endfunction "Returns the source (A or B) of the "Only" line function! ParseOnlySrc(line) return substitute(a:line, '^.*' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '\[\(.\)\].*' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLineCenter . '.*', '\1', '') endfunction function! ParseOnlyFile(line) let regex = '^.*' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '\[.\]\(.*\)' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLineCenter . '\(.*\)' let root = substitute(a:line, regex , '\1', '') let file = root . s:sep . substitute(a:line, regex , '\2', '') return file endfunction function! Copy(fileFromOrig, fileToOrig) let fileFrom = substitute(a:fileFromOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g') let fileTo = substitute(a:fileToOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g') echo "Copy from " . fileFrom . " to " . fileTo if (s:DirDiffCopyCmd == "") echo "Copy not supported on this platform" return 1 endif " Constructs the copy command let copycmd = "!".s:DirDiffCopyCmd." ".s:DirDiffCopyFlags " Append the interactive flag if (g:DirDiffInteractive) let copycmd = copycmd . " " . s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag endif let copycmd = copycmd . " \"".fileFrom."\" \"".fileTo."\"" " Constructs the copy directory command let copydircmd = "!".s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd." ".s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags " Append the interactive flag if (g:DirDiffInteractive) let copydircmd = copydircmd . " " . s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag endif let copydircmd = copydircmd . " \"".fileFrom."\" \"".fileTo."\"" let error = 0 if (isdirectory(fileFrom)) let error = DirDiffExec(copydircmd, g:DirDiffInteractive) else let error = DirDiffExec(copycmd, g:DirDiffInteractive) endif if (error != 0) echo "Can't copy from " . fileFrom . " to " . fileTo return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Would execute the command, either silent or not silent, by the " interactive flag ([0|1]). Returns the v:shell_error after " executing the command. function! DirDiffExec(cmd, interactive) let error = 0 " On Unix, if we use a different shell other than bash, we can cause " problem if g:DirDiffForceShell != "" let shell_save = &shell let &shell = g:DirDiffForceShell endif if (a:interactive) exe (a:cmd) let error = v:shell_error else silent exe (a:cmd) let error = v:shell_error endif if g:DirDiffForceShell != "" let &shell = shell_save endif " let d = input("DirDiffExec: " . a:cmd . " " . a:interactive . " returns " . v:shell_error) if !empty(g:DirDiffTheme) execute "colorscheme ". g:DirDiffTheme endif if g:DirDiffSimpleMap nnoremap [ [c nnoremap ] ]c endif return error endfunction " Delete the file or directory. Returns 0 if nothing goes wrong, error code " otherwise. function! Delete(fileFromOrig) let fileFrom = substitute(a:fileFromOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g') echo "Deleting from " . fileFrom if (s:DirDiffDeleteCmd == "") echo "Delete not supported on this platform" return 1 endif let delcmd = "" if (isdirectory(fileFrom)) let delcmd = "!".s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd." ".s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags if (g:DirDiffInteractive) " If running on Unix, and we're running in interactive mode, we " append the -i tag if (has("unix")) let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag endif else " If running on windows, and we're not running in interactive " mode, we append the quite flag to the "rd" command if (has("win32")) let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteDirQuietFlag endif endif else let delcmd = "!".s:DirDiffDeleteCmd." ".s:DirDiffDeleteFlags if (g:DirDiffInteractive) let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag endif endif let delcmd = delcmd ." \"".fileFrom."\"" let error = DirDiffExec(delcmd, g:DirDiffInteractive) if (error != 0) echo "Can't delete " . fileFrom endif return error endfunction " The given line begins with the "Only in" function! IsOnly(line) return (match(a:line, "^ *" . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . "\\|^==> " . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine ) == 0) endfunction " The given line begins with the "Files" function! IsDiffer(line) return (match(a:line, "^ *" . s:DirDiffDifferLine . "\\|^==> " . s:DirDiffDifferLine ) == 0) endfunction " Let you modify the Exclude patthern function! ChangeExcludes() let g:DirDiffExcludes = input ("Exclude pattern (separate multiple patterns with ','): ", g:DirDiffExcludes) echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff." endfunction " Let you modify additional arguments for diff function! ChangeArguments() let g:DirDiffAddArgs = input ("Additional diff args: ", g:DirDiffAddArgs) echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff." endfunction " Let you modify the Ignore patthern function! ChangeIgnore() let g:DirDiffIgnore = input ("Ignore pattern (separate multiple patterns with ','): ", g:DirDiffIgnore) echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff." endfunction " Sorting functions from the Vim docs. Use this instead of the sort binary. " " Function for use with Sort(), to compare two strings. func! Strcmp(str1, str2) if (a:str1 < a:str2) return -1 elseif (a:str1 > a:str2) return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction " Sort lines. SortR() is called recursively. func! SortR(start, end, cmp) if (a:start >= a:end) return endif let partition = a:start - 1 let middle = partition let partStr = getline((a:start + a:end) / 2) let i = a:start while (i <= a:end) let str = getline(i) exec "let result = " . a:cmp . "(str, partStr)" if (result <= 0) " Need to put it before the partition. Swap lines i and partition. let partition = partition + 1 if (result == 0) let middle = partition endif if (i != partition) let str2 = getline(partition) call setline(i, str2) call setline(partition, str) endif endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " Now we have a pointer to the "middle" element, as far as partitioning " goes, which could be anywhere before the partition. Make sure it is at " the end of the partition. if (middle != partition) let str = getline(middle) let str2 = getline(partition) call setline(middle, str2) call setline(partition, str) endif call SortR(a:start, partition - 1, a:cmp) call SortR(partition + 1, a:end, a:cmp) endfunc " To Sort a range of lines, pass the range to Sort() along with the name of a " function that will compare two lines. func! Sort(cmp) range call SortR(a:firstline, a:lastline, a:cmp) endfunc " Added to deal with internationalized version of diff, which returns a " different string than "Files ... differ" or "Only in ... " function! GetDiffStrings() " Check if we have the dynamic text string turned on. If not, just return " what's set in the global variables if (g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText == 0) let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLineCenter = g:DirDiffTextOnlyInCenter let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine = g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn let s:DirDiffDifferLine = g:DirDiffTextFiles let s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = g:DirDiffTextAnd let s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = g:DirDiffTextDiffer return endif let tmp1 = tempname() let tmp2 = tempname() let tmpdiff = tempname() " We need to pad the backslashes in order to make it match let tmp1rx = EscapeDirForRegex(tmp1) let tmp2rx = EscapeDirForRegex(tmp2) let tmpdiffrx = EscapeDirForRegex(tmpdiff) silent exe s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd . "\"" . tmp1 . "\"" silent exe s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd . "\"" . tmp2 . "\"" silent exe "!echo test > \"" . tmp1 . s:sep . "test" . "\"" silent exe "!" . g:DirDiffLangString . "diff -r --brief \"" . tmp1 . "\" \"" . tmp2 . "\" > \"" . tmpdiff . "\"" " Now get the result of that diff cmd silent exe "split ". tmpdiff "echo "First line: " . getline(1) "echo "tmp1: " . tmp1 "echo "tmp1rx: " . tmp1rx let regex = '\(^.*\)' . tmp1rx . '\(.*\)' . "test" let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine = substitute( getline(1), regex, '\1', '') let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLineCenter = substitute( getline(1), regex, '\2', '') "echo "DirDiff Only: " . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine bd " Now let's get the Differ string "echo "Getting the diff in GetDiffStrings" silent exe "!echo testdifferent > \"" . tmp2 . s:sep . "test" . "\"" silent exe "!" . g:DirDiffLangString . "diff -r --brief \"" . tmp1 . "\" \"" . tmp2 . "\" > \"" . tmpdiff . "\"" silent exe "split ". tmpdiff let s:DirDiffDifferLine = substitute( getline(1), tmp1rx . ".*$", "", '') " Note that the diff on cygwin may output '/' instead of '\' for the " separator, so we need to accomodate for both cases let andrx = "^.*" . tmp1rx . "[\\\/]test\\(.*\\)" . tmp2rx . "[\\\/]test.*$" let endrx = "^.*" . tmp1rx . "[\\\/]test.*" . tmp2rx . "[\\\/]test\\(.*$\\)" "echo "andrx : " . andrx "echo "endrx : " . endrx let s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = substitute( getline(1), andrx , "\\1", '') let s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = substitute( getline(1), endrx, "\\1", '') "echo "s:DirDiffDifferLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferLine "echo "s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferAndLine "echo "s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferEndLine q " Delete tmp files "echo "Deleting tmp files." call Delete(tmp1) call Delete(tmp2) call Delete(tmpdiff) "avoid get diff text again let g:DirDiffTextOnlyInCenter = s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLineCenter let g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn = s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine let g:DirDiffTextFiles = s:DirDiffDifferLine let g:DirDiffTextAnd = s:DirDiffDifferAndLine let g:DirDiffTextDiffer = s:DirDiffDifferEndLine let g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText = 0 endfunction