#!/usr/bin/awk -f # rem2ics by Anthony J. Chivetta <achivetta@gmail.com> # version 0.1 - 2006-06-09 # Converts output of remind -s to iCalendar # usage: remind -s | rem2ics # # THE FOLLOWING CODE IS RELEASED INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE BEGIN { print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" print "VERSION:2.0" } { gsub("/","",$1) print "BEGIN:VEVENT" if ($5 != "*"){ printf("DTSTART:%dT%02d%02d00\n",$1,$5/60,$5%60) printf("DTEND:%dT%02d%02d00\n",$1,$5/60+$4/60,$5%60+$4%60) split(substr($0,match($0,$7)),sumloc,"|") print "SUMMARY:" sumloc[1] } else { printf("DTSTART:%d\n",$1) split(substr($0,match($0,$6)),sumloc,"\|") print "SUMMARY:" sumloc[1] } if (sumloc[2]) { print "LOCATION:" sumloc[2] } print "END:VEVENT" } END {print "END:VCALENDAR"}