setl wrap " softwrap the text setl linebreak " don't break in the middle of the word "setl nolist " list disables linebreak setl textwidth=72 setl formatprg=par\ -B+.,\\-\\!\\?\\\"\\\'\\*\\<\ -w72qie setl enc=utf-8 setl nojs setl nosmartindent setl spell setl comments=n:> setl formatoptions= setl fo+=r " Insert the current comment leader after hitting in Insert mode. setl fo+=o " Insert the current comment leader after hitting 'o' or 'O' in Normal mode. setl fo+=q " Allow formatting of comments with "gq". setl fo+=w " Trailing white space indicates a paragraph continues in the next line. setl fo+=b " Like 'v', but only auto-wrap if you enter a blank at or before the wrap margin. setl fo+=j " Where it makes sense, remove a comment leader when joining lines. match ErrorMsg '\s\s\+$' syn match quote0 "^>" syn match quote1 "^> *>" syn match quote2 "^> *> *>" syn match quote3 "^> *> *> *>" syn match quote4 "^> *> *> *> *>" syn match quote5 "^> *> *> *> *> *>" syn match quote6 "^> *> *> *> *> *> *>" syn match quote7 "^> *> *> *> *> *> *> *>" hi quote0 ctermfg=magenta hi quote1 ctermfg=cyan hi quote2 ctermfg=blue hi quote3 ctermfg=yellow hi quote4 ctermfg=magenta hi quote5 ctermfg=cyan hi quote6 ctermfg=blue hi quote7 ctermfg=yellow