*vim-improve-diff.txt* A small plugin to improve diff feature in Vim Version: 0.1.0 Author: Alisue <lambdalisue@hashnote.net> *vim-improve-diff-author* Support: Vim 7.3 and above License: MIT license {{{ Copyright (c) 2015 Alisue, hashnote.net Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} ============================================================================= CONTENTS *vim-improve-diff-contents* Introduction |vim-improve-diff-introduction| Install |vim-improve-diff-install| Usage |vim-improve-diff-usage| Interface |vim-improve-diff-interface| Options |vim-improve-diff-interface-options| Mappings |vim-improve-diff-interface-mappings| Functions |vim-improve-diff-interface-functions| Commands |vim-improve-diff-interface-commands| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *vim-improve-diff-introduction* *vim-improve-diff* is a plugin to improve diff feature in Vim. It provide the following features: Auto diffupdate (|improve_diff#auto_diffupdate()|) When user leave an insert mode, it call |diffupdate| when the current buffer is in diff mode. Auto diffoff (|improve_diff#auto_diffoff()|) When user close a diff buffer, automatically call |diffoff|. Improved |:DiffOrig| command If no |:DiffOrig| command is defined, it automatically define an improved version of |:DiffOrig| command. You would probably interested in lambdalisue/vim-unified-diff which use a 'histogram' algorithm to improve the quality of diff. - lambdalisue/vim-unified-diff: https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-unified-diff ============================================================================== INSTALL *vim-improve-diff-install* The repository (https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-improve-diff) follow a standard vim plugin's directory structure thus you can use Vundle.vim or neobundle.vim to install |vim-improve-diff| like: > " Vundle.vim Plugin 'lambdalisue/vim-improve-diff' " neobundle.vim NeoBundle 'lambdalisue/vim-improve-diff' < ============================================================================== INTERFACE *vim-improve-diff-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Options *vim-improve-diff-interface-options* *g:improve_diff#enable* g:improve_diff#enable Enable all features of vim-improve-diff. The default value is 1. *g:improve_diff#enable_auto_diffupdate* g:improve_diff#enable_auto_diffupdate Enable auto diffupdate feature (|improve_diff#auto_diffupdate()|). This option takes effect only when |g:improve_diff#enable| is 0. The default value is 0. *g:improve_diff#enable_auto_diffoff* g:improve_diff#enable_auto_diffoff Enable auto diffoff feature (|improve_diff#auto_diffoff()|). This option takes effect only when |g:improve_diff#enable| is 0. The default value is 0. *g:improve_diff#define_DiffOrig* g:improve_diff#define_DiffOrig Define an improved version of :DiffOrig. The default value is 1 if :DiffOrig has not been defined, otherwise the default value is 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mappings *vim-improve-diff-interface-mappings* *<Plug>(improve-diff-diffupdate)* <Plug>(improve-diff-diffupdate) Call |diff_improve#diffupdate()| *<Plug>(improve-diff-diffoff)* <Plug>(improve-diff-diffoff) Call |diff_improve#diffoff()| *<Plug>(improve-diff-difforig-h)* <Plug>(improve-diff-difforig-h) Call |diff_improve#difforig()| to horizontally open a original version. *<Plug>(improve-diff-difforig-v)* <Plug>(improve-diff-difforig-v) Call |diff_improve#difforig()| to vertically open a original version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions *vim-improve-diff-interface-functions* *diff_improve#enable()* diff_improve#enable() Enable all feature of vim-improve-diff. *diff_improve#enable_auto_diffupdate()* diff_improve#enable_auto_diffupdate() Enable auto diffupdate feature. It define an autocmd to call |diff_improve#diffupdate()| when user leave an insert mode. *diff_improve#enable_auto_diffoff()* diff_improve#enable_auto_diffoff() Enable auto diffoff feature. It define an autocmd to call |diff_improve#diffoff()| when user close a buffer. *diff_improve#diffupdate()* diff_improve#diffupdate([{expr}]) It takes effect only when the current buffer is in diff mode. It call |diffupdate| on the current buffer. *diff_improve#diffoff()* diff_improve#diffoff([{expr}]) It takes effect only when the current buffer is in diff mode. It call ||diffoff| on the {expr} or current buffer window. *diff_improve#difforig()* diff_improve#difforig([{horizontal}]) It open a current saved version of the current buffer in diff mode. It is an improved version of :DiffOrig command of $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim. If {horizontal} is 1, it open the saved version horizontally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands *vim-improve-diff-interface-commands* *:DiffOrig-improved* :DiffOrig [{horizontal}] It call |diff_improve#difforig()|. vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2mM:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet