" diffchar.vim: Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words " " ____ _ ____ ____ _____ _ _ _____ ____ " | | | || || || || | | || _ || _ | " | _ || || __|| __|| || | | || | | || | || " | | | || || |__ | |__ | __|| |_| || |_| || |_||_ " | |_| || || __|| __|| | | || || __ | " | || || | | | | |__ | _ || _ || | | | " |____| |_||_| |_| |_____||_| |_||_| |_||_| |_| " " Last Change: 2024/02/14 " Version: 9.7 (on or after patch-8.1.1418 and nvim-0.5.0) " Author: Rick Howe (Takumi Ohtani) " Copyright: (c) 2014-2024 Rick Howe " License: MIT let s:save_cpo = &cpoptions set cpo&vim " Vim feature, function, event and patch number which this plugin depends on " patch-8.1.1832: win_execute() fixed to work in other tabpage " patch-8.2.4204: screenpos() fixed to return zero row for invisible line " patch-8.2,4713: WinScrolled added " patch-9.0.0620: matchaddpos() updated to allow more than 8 matches " patch-9.1.0099: diff() fixed to correctly use in 'diffexpr' let s:VF = #{ \WinScrolled: exists('##WinScrolled') && \(has('patch-8.2.4713') || has('nvim-0.7.0')), \WinClosed: exists('##WinClosed'), \PopupWindow: has('popupwin'), \FloatingWindow: exists('*nvim_create_buf'), \GetMousePos: exists('*getmousepos'), \WinExecFixed: has('patch-8.1.1832') || has('nvim-0.5.0'), \StrikeAttr: has('gui_running') || !empty(&t_Ts) && !empty(&t_Te), \ScreenPos: exists('*screenpos') && \(has('patch-8.2.4204') || has('nvim-0.8.2')), \MatchAddMore: has('patch-9.0.0620') || has('nvim-0.9.0'), \BuiltinDiffFunc: has('nvim') ? type(luaeval('vim.diff')) == v:t_func : \exists('*diff') && has('patch-8.1.0099')} function! s:ShowDiffChar(...) abort " !a:0 - all dfl from scratch, a:1 - specified dfl only if !a:0 && !exists('t:DChar') && s:InitializeDiffChar() == -1 return endif let ak = 2 | while t:DChar.wid[ak] != win_getid() | let ak -= 1 if ak == 0 | return | endif endwhile let lc = #{1: {}, 2: {}} for n in (!a:0) ? range(len(t:DChar.dfl[ak])) : \filter(map(copy(a:1), 'index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], v:val)'), 'v:val != -1') let tu = #{1: {}, 2: {}} for k in [1, 2] let tu[k].l = t:DChar.dfl[k][n] if has_key(t:DChar.hlc[k], tu[k].l) | let tu[k].l = 0 | endif endfor if 0 < tu[1].l && 0 < tu[2].l for k in [1, 2] let tu[k].b = getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[k], tu[k].l)[0] let tu[k].t = t:DChar.opt.ic ? tolower(tu[k].b) : tu[k].b let tu[k].u = split(t:DChar.opt.iw == 0 ? tu[k].t : \substitute(tu[k].t, (t:DChar.opt.iw == 1) ? '\s\+' : '\s\+$', \'', 'g'), t:DChar.upa) let tu[k].w = (t:DChar.opt.iw == 2 && tu[k].t =~ '\s\{2,}') ? 2 : \(t:DChar.opt.iw == 1 && tu[k].t =~ '\s\+') ? 1 : 0 if tu[k].w == 2 let s = 0 while 1 let s = match(tu[k].u, '^\s\+$', s) if s == -1 || len(tu[k].u) <= s | break | endif let s += 1 while tu[k].u[s] =~ '^\s\+$' let tu[k].u[s - 1] .= tu[k].u[s] unlet tu[k].u[s] endwhile endwhile endif endfor if tu[1].u !=# tu[2].u let uu = [copy(tu[1].u), copy(tu[2].u)] if tu[k].w == 2 for k in [1, 2] call map(tu[k].u, '(v:val =~ "^\\s\\{2,}$") ? " " : v:val') endfor endif let [tu[1].c, tu[2].c] = s:GetDiffUnitPos(uu, \t:DChar.dfn(tu[1].u, tu[2].u, t:DChar.opt.ih)) for k in [1, 2] if tu[k].w == 1 let pc = filter(range(1, len(tu[k].t)), \'tu[k].t[v:val - 1] !~ "\\s"') call map(tu[k].c, \'[v:val[0], [pc[v:val[1][0] - 1], pc[v:val[1][1] - 1]]]') endif let lc[k][tu[k].l] = tu[k].c let t:DChar.cks[k][tu[k].l] = s:ChecksumStr(tu[k].b) endfor endif endif endfor if !a:0 || !empty(lc[ak]) call s:HighlightDiffChar(lc) if !a:0 call s:ToggleDiffCharEvent(1) call s:ToggleDiffHL(1) endif if 0 < t:DChar.dpv.pv call s:ToggleDiffCharPair(1) call s:ShowDiffCharPair(ak) endif endif endfunction function! s:ResetDiffChar(...) abort " !a:0 - all dfl to scratch, a:1 - specified dfl only if !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif let ak = 2 | while t:DChar.wid[ak] != win_getid() | let ak -= 1 if ak == 0 | return | endif endwhile let dl = #{1: [], 2: []} for n in (!a:0) ? range(len(t:DChar.dfl[ak])) : \filter(map(copy(a:1), 'index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], v:val)'), 'v:val != -1') for k in [1, 2] let l = t:DChar.dfl[k][n] if has_key(t:DChar.hlc[k], l) let dl[k] += [l] unlet t:DChar.cks[k][l] endif endfor endfor if !a:0 || !empty(dl[ak]) call s:ClearDiffChar(dl) if 0 < t:DChar.dpv.pv call s:ClearDiffCharPair(ak) call s:ToggleDiffCharPair(0) endif if !a:0 call s:ToggleDiffHL(0) unlet t:DChar call s:ToggleDiffCharEvent(0) endif endif endfunction function! s:InitializeDiffChar() abort let cw = win_getid() | let cb = winbufnr(cw) let nw = filter(map(range(winnr() + 1, winnr('$')) + \range(1, winnr() - 1), 'win_getid(v:val)'), \'getwinvar(v:val, "&diff") && winbufnr(v:val) != cb') let nb = map(copy(nw), 'winbufnr(v:val)') if !getwinvar(cw, '&diff') || empty(nw) || min(nb) != max(nb) return -1 endif for tn in filter(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'v:val != tabpagenr()') let dc = gettabvar(tn, 'DChar') if !empty(dc) for bn in values(dc.bnr) if index([cb, nb[0]], bn) != -1 call s:EchoWarning('Both or either selected buffer already \ highlighted in tab page ' . tn . '!') return -1 endif endfor endif endfor call s:SetDiffCharHL() let t:DChar = {} let t:DChar.wid = #{1: cw, 2: nw[0]} let t:DChar.bnr = #{1: cb, 2: nb[0]} let t:DChar.dfp = s:DiffCharOpt('DiffFocusPages') let t:DChar.opt = s:GetDiffCharOptions() let t:DChar.lcc = s:GetLineColCnr() let t:DChar.dfl = s:FocusDiffLines(1) let t:DChar.upa = s:GetDiffSplitRegExp(t:DChar.opt.ut) let t:DChar.dpv = s:GetDiffPairVisible(t:DChar.opt.pv) let t:DChar.hgp = s:GetDiffUnitHL(t:DChar.opt.cl) let t:DChar.csn = s:GetColorsName() let t:DChar.mid = #{1: {}, 2: {}} let t:DChar.hlc = #{1: {}, 2: {}} let t:DChar.cks = #{1: {}, 2: {}} let t:DChar.dfn = function(s:VF.BuiltinDiffFunc && \s:DiffCharOpt('BuiltinDiffFunc') ? 's:ApplyDiffFunc' : 's:TraceDiffChar') endfunction function! s:GetDiffSplitRegExp(du) abort if a:du == 'Char' let upa = '\zs' elseif a:du == 'Word2' || a:du ==# 'WORD' let upa = '\%(\s\+\|\S\+\)\zs' elseif a:du == 'Word3' || a:du ==# 'word' let upa = '\<\|\>' elseif a:du =~ '^\[.\+\]$' let s = escape(a:du[1 : -2], ']^-\') let upa = '\%([^' . s . ']\+\|[' . s . ']\)\zs' elseif a:du =~ '^\([/?]\).\+\1$' let upa = a:du[1 : -2] else let upa = '\%(\w\+\|\W\)\zs' if a:du != 'Word1' call s:EchoWarning('Not a valid difference unit type. \ Use "Word1" instead.') endif endif return upa endfunction function! s:GetDiffPairVisible(pv) abort let dpv = #{pv: a:pv} if (dpv.pv == 3 || dpv.pv == 4) && \!(s:VF.PopupWindow || s:VF.FloatingWindow) || \dpv.pv == 4 && !s:VF.GetMousePos || 4 < dpv.pv let dpv.pv = 1 endif if 0 < dpv.pv let dpv.ch = {} if dpv.pv == 3 || dpv.pv == 4 let dpv.pw = s:VF.PopupWindow ? 0 : s:VF.FloatingWindow ? {} : -1 endif endif return dpv endfunction function! s:GetDiffUnitHL(dc) abort let hgp = [s:DCharHL.T] if type(a:dc) == type([]) let hgp += filter(copy(a:dc), \'0 < hlID(v:val) && !empty(synIDattr(hlID(v:val), "bg#"))') if 1 < len(hgp) | unlet hgp[0] | endif elseif 1 <= a:dc && a:dc <= 3 let lv = a:dc - 1 let bx = [] for nm in values(s:DCharHL) let [fc, bc] = map(['fg#', 'bg#'], \'s:ColorClass(synIDattr(hlID(nm), v:val), lv)') if !empty(bc) | let bx += [bc] | endif if nm == s:DCharHL.n | let fn = fc | endif endfor let hl = {} | let id = 1 while 1 let nm = synIDattr(id, 'name') if empty(nm) | break | endif if id == synIDtrans(id) && empty(filter(['underline', 'undercurl', \'strikethrough', 'reverse', 'inverse', 'standout'], \'!empty(synIDattr(id, v:val))')) let [fc, bc] = map(['fg#', 'bg#'], \'s:ColorClass(synIDattr(id, v:val), lv)') if !empty(bc) && index(bx + [!empty(fc) ? fc : fn], bc) == -1 let wt = !empty(fc) + (!empty(filter(['bold', 'italic'], \'!empty(synIDattr(id, v:val))'))) * 2 if !has_key(hl, bc) || hl[bc][0] < wt let hl[bc] = [wt, nm] endif endif endif let id += 1 endwhile let hgp += map(values(hl), 'v:val[1]') elseif a:dc == 100 let bx = map(values(s:DCharHL), 'synIDattr(hlID(v:val), "bg#")') let hl = {} | let id = 1 while 1 let nm = synIDattr(id, 'name') if empty(nm) | break | endif if id == synIDtrans(id) let bg = synIDattr(id, 'bg#') if !empty(bg) && index(bx, bg) == -1 let hl[reltimestr(reltime())[-2 :] . id] = nm let bx += [bg] endif endif let id += 1 endwhile let hgp += values(hl) endif return hgp endfunction function! s:GetColorsName() abort return get(g:, 'colors_name', 'default') endfunction function! s:ColorClass(cn, lv) abort if empty(a:cn) | return a:cn | endif if a:cn[0] != '#' let cn = a:cn % 256 if cn < 16 let cv = [[0, 0, 0], [128, 0, 0], [0, 128, 0], [128, 128, 0], \[0, 0, 128], [128, 0, 128], [0, 128, 128], [192, 192, 192], \[128, 128, 128], [255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 255, 0], \[0, 0, 255], [255, 0, 255], [0, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]] if &t_Co < 256 let [cv[9], cv[12], cv[11], cv[14]] = [cv[12], cv[9], cv[14], cv[11]] endif let rgb = cv[cn] elseif cn < 232 let cv = [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255] let cn -= 16 let rgb = [cv[(cn / 36) % 6], cv[(cn / 6) % 6], cv[cn % 6]] else let cn = 10 * (cn - 232) + 8 let rgb = [cn, cn, cn] endif else let rgb = map(split(a:cn[1:], '..\zs'), 'str2nr(v:val, 16)') endif let cl = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], \[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]][a:lv] call map(rgb, 'v:val / 32') if max(rgb) == min(rgb) return '99' . cl[(rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3] else return join(map(rgb, 'cl[v:val]'), '') endif endfunction function! s:SetDiffCharHL() abort " set diff hl in original and DChar modes let s:DiffHL = #{A: 'DiffAdd', C: 'DiffChange', D: 'DiffDelete', \T: 'DiffText'} for [hs, hl] in items(s:DiffHL) let dh = {} let dh.id = hlID(hl) let dh.it = synIDtrans(dh.id) " in case of linked let dh.nm = synIDattr(dh.it, 'name') " 0 : for original, 1 : for DChar let dh[0] = {} for hm in ['cterm', 'gui'] for hc in ['fg', 'bg'] let dh[0][hm . hc] = synIDattr(dh.it, hc, hm) endfor let dh[0][hm] = join(filter(['bold', 'underline', 'undercurl', \'strikethrough', 'reverse', 'inverse', 'italic', 'standout'], \'!empty(synIDattr(dh.it, v:val, hm))'), ',') endfor call map(dh[0], '!empty(v:val) ? v:val : "NONE"') let dh[1] = (hs == 'C' || hs == 'T') ? \map(copy(dh[0]), 'v:key =~ "bg$" ? v:val : "NONE"') : dh[0] let s:DiffHL[hs] = dh endfor for at in ['ctermbg', 'guibg'] " in case no bg in C, also in T if s:DiffHL.C[1][at] == 'NONE' | let s:DiffHL.T[1][at] = 'NONE' | endif endfor " set DChar hl let s:DCharHL = {} let s:DCharHL.n = 'Normal' let s:DCharHL.c = has('nvim') ? 'TermCursor' : 'Cursor' if !empty(filter(['fg', 'bg'], \'empty(synIDattr(hlID(s:DCharHL.c), v:val))')) let s:DCharHL.c = 'dcCursor' for at in ['NONE', 'ctermfg=fg', 'ctermbg=bg', 'cterm=reverse', \'guifg=fg', 'guibg=bg', 'gui=reverse'] call execute(join(['highlight', s:DCharHL.c, at]), 'silent!') endfor endif for [fs, ts, th, ta] in [['C', 'C', 'dcDiffChange', ''], \['T', 'T', 'dcDiffText', ''], \['A', 'A', 'dcDiffAdd', ''], \['C', 'E', 'dcDiffDelEdge', 'bold,underline'], \['D', 'D', 'dcDiffDelete', s:VF.StrikeAttr ? 'strikethrough' : '']] let fa = copy(s:DiffHL[fs][0]) if !empty(ta) for hm in ['cterm', 'gui'] let fa[hm] = ((fa[hm] != 'NONE') ? fa[hm] . ',' : '') . ta endfor endif for at in ['NONE'] + map(items(fa), 'join(v:val, "=")') call execute(join(['highlight', th, at]), 'silent!') endfor let s:DCharHL[ts] = th endfor endfunction function! s:GetDiffCharOptions() abort let do = split(&diffopt, ',') return #{ut: s:DiffCharOpt('DiffUnit'), \cl: s:DiffCharOpt('DiffColors'), \pv: s:DiffCharOpt('DiffPairVisible'), \ic: index(do, 'icase') != -1, \iw: (index(do, 'iwhiteall') != -1) ? 1 : \(index(do, 'iwhite') != -1) ? 2 : \(index(do, 'iwhiteeol') != -1) ? 3 : 0, \ih: index(do, 'indent-heuristic') != -1} endfunction function! s:DiffCharOpt(opt) abort return get(t:, a:opt, get(g:, a:opt, \#{NoDiffChar: 0, DiffUnit: 'Word1', DiffColors: 0, DiffPairVisible: 1, \DiffFocusPages: 3, BuiltinDiffFunc: 1}[a:opt])) endfunction function! s:ToggleDiffHL(on) abort for dh in [s:DiffHL.C, s:DiffHL.T] call execute(join(['highlight', dh.nm] + \map(items(dh[a:on]), 'join(v:val, "=")'))) endfor endfunction function! s:RefreshDiffCharHL(event) abort " a:event : 0 = TabEnter, 1 = ColorScheme if a:event == 1 | call s:SetDiffCharHL() | endif let on = exists('t:DChar') call s:ToggleDiffHL(on) if on " redraw DChar units with the latest colorschme let csn = s:GetColorsName() if t:DChar.csn != csn let t:DChar.csn = csn if 1 < len(t:DChar.hgp) let hlc = deepcopy(t:DChar.hlc) call s:ClearDiffChar(map(copy(hlc), 'keys(v:val)')) let t:DChar.hgp = s:GetDiffUnitHL(t:DChar.opt.cl) call s:HighlightDiffChar(hlc) endif endif endif endfunction function! s:ToggleDiffCharEvent(on) abort call execute(g:DiffCharInitEvent) let tv = filter(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), \'gettabvar(v:val, "DChar")'), '!empty(v:val)') if empty(tv) | return | endif let ac = [] for td in tv for k in [1, 2] let bl = '' let ac += [[s:VF.WinClosed ? 'WinClosed' : 'BufWinLeave', bl, \'s:WinClosedDiffChar()']] if 0 < td.dfp let ac += [[s:VF.WinScrolled ? 'WinScrolled' : 'CursorMoved', bl, \'s:ScrollDiffLines()']] endif if 0 < td.dpv.pv let ac += [['CursorMoved', bl, 's:ShowDiffCharPair(' . k . ')']] endif endfor endfor let ac += [['TabEnter', '*', 's:RefreshDiffCharHL(0)']] let ac += [['ColorScheme', '*', 's:RefreshDiffCharHL(1)']] let ac += [[s:VF.WinClosed ? 'BufWinEnter' : 'BufWinEnter,WinEnter', '*', \'s:RepairDiffChar()']] let ac += [['DiffUpdated', '*', 's:UpdateDiffChar()']] call execute(map(ac, 'join(["autocmd", "diffchar", v:val[0], v:val[1], \"call", v:val[2]])')) endfunction function! s:ClearDiffChar(lines) abort for k in [1, 2] let wd = win_id2win(t:DChar.wid[k]) for ln in a:lines[k] if wd != 0 silent! call map(t:DChar.mid[k][ln], \'matchdelete(v:val, t:DChar.wid[k])') endif unlet t:DChar.mid[k][ln] unlet t:DChar.hlc[k][ln] endfor endfor endfunction function! s:ShiftDiffChar(key, lines, shift) abort let [lid, hlc, cks] = [[], {}, {}] for ln in filter(copy(a:lines), 'has_key(t:DChar.mid[a:key], v:val)') let lid += [[ln, t:DChar.mid[a:key][ln]]] let hlc[ln + a:shift] = t:DChar.hlc[a:key][ln] let cks[ln + a:shift] = t:DChar.cks[a:key][ln] unlet t:DChar.mid[a:key][ln] unlet t:DChar.hlc[a:key][ln] unlet t:DChar.cks[a:key][ln] endfor call extend(t:DChar.mid[a:key], \s:ShiftMatchaddLines(t:DChar.wid[a:key], lid, a:shift)) call extend(t:DChar.hlc[a:key], hlc) call extend(t:DChar.cks[a:key], cks) endfunction function! s:ShiftMatchaddLines(wid, lid, shift) abort let lid = {} let gm = getmatches(a:wid) for [ln, id] in a:lid let mx = filter(copy(gm), 'index(id, v:val.id) != -1') call map(copy(mx), 'matchdelete(v:val.id, a:wid)') let lid[ln + a:shift] = map(reverse(mx), 'matchaddpos(v:val.group, \map(filter(items(v:val), "v:val[0] =~ ''^pos\\d\\+$''"), \"[v:val[1][0] + a:shift] + v:val[1][1 :]"), v:val.priority, -1, \#{window: a:wid})') endfor return lid endfunction function! s:ScrollDiffLines(...) abort " called on WinScrolled or CursorMoved or other if !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif if a:0 | let ak = a:1 else let wid = s:VF.WinScrolled ? str2nr(expand('')) : win_getid() let ak = 2 | while t:DChar.wid[ak] != wid | let ak -= 1 if ak == 0 | return | endif endwhile endif let lcc = s:GetLineColCnr() let scl = 0 for k in [1, 2] " check if a scroll happens in either window with no change on both let scl += (t:DChar.lcc[k].cn != lcc[k].cn) ? -1 : \[t:DChar.lcc[k].tl, t:DChar.lcc[k].bl] != [lcc[k].tl, lcc[k].bl] && \(empty(t:DChar.dfl[k]) || lcc[k].tl < t:DChar.dfl[k][0] || \t:DChar.dfl[k][-1] < lcc[k].bl) ? 1 : 0 let [t:DChar.lcc[k].tl, t:DChar.lcc[k].bl, t:DChar.lcc[k].cl] = \[lcc[k].tl, lcc[k].bl, lcc[k].cl] endfor if 0 < scl let dfl = s:FocusDiffLines(0) if t:DChar.dfl != dfl " reset/show DChar lines on dfl changes let ddl = filter(copy(t:DChar.dfl[ak]), 'index(dfl[ak], v:val) == -1') if !empty(ddl) call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'call s:ResetDiffChar(ddl)') endif let adl = filter(copy(dfl[ak]), 'index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], v:val) == -1') let t:DChar.dfl = dfl if !empty(adl) call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'call s:ShowDiffChar(adl)') endif endif endif endfunction function! s:FocusDiffLines(init) abort " a:init : initiate dfl (do not use existing dfl) let dfl = {} if t:DChar.dfp <= 0 if a:init for k in [1, 2] call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[k], 'let dfl[k] = \s:GetDiffLines(1, t:DChar.lcc[k].ll)') endfor return dfl else return t:DChar.dfl endif endif " select higher win as main let [ak, bk] = (winheight(t:DChar.wid[1]) >= winheight(t:DChar.wid[2])) ? \[1, 2] : [2, 1] " get visible and upper/lower dfl in main win let [tl, bl] = [t:DChar.lcc[ak].tl, t:DChar.lcc[ak].bl] call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let dfl[ak] = s:GetDiffLines(tl, bl)') let [tl, bl] += [-1, 1] if 1 < t:DChar.dfp let [tz, bz] = [[], []] let rc = winheight(t:DChar.wid[ak]) * (t:DChar.dfp - 1) while 0 < rc let fc = 0 if 1 <= tl call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let fc = foldclosed(tl)') if fc == -1 | let tz = [tl] + tz | else | let tl = fc | endif let tl -= 1 | let rc -= 1 endif if bl <= t:DChar.lcc[ak].ll call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let fc = foldclosedend(bl)') if fc == -1 | let bz += [bl] | else | let bl = fc | endif let bl += 1 | let rc -= 1 endif if fc == 0 | break | endif endwhile call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let dfl[ak] = \s:CheckDiffLines(tz) + dfl[ak] + s:CheckDiffLines(bz)') endif " if no dfl found in dfp, try to find one toward top/bottom if empty(dfl[ak]) if !a:init | return t:DChar.dfl | endif call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let dfl[ak] = \s:SearchDiffLines(0, tl, 1) + s:SearchDiffLines(1, bl, 1)') if empty(dfl[ak]) | let dfl[bk] = [] | return dfl | endif endif " get dfl in sub win based on the corresponding line between main/sub let ds = #{t: [1, 1, 1, dfl[ak][0] - 1], \b: [0, t:DChar.lcc[bk].ll, dfl[ak][-1] + 1, t:DChar.lcc[ak].ll]} let ix = -1 if !a:init && !empty(t:DChar.dfl[ak]) let ix = index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], dfl[ak][0]) if ix != -1 let [sd, sl, dc] = [1, t:DChar.dfl[bk][ix], 0] else let ix = index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], dfl[ak][-1]) if ix != -1 let [sd, sl, dc] = [0, t:DChar.dfl[bk][ix], 0] else if t:DChar.dfl[ak][-1] < dfl[ak][0] let ds.t = [1, t:DChar.dfl[bk][-1], t:DChar.dfl[ak][-1], \dfl[ak][0] - 1] elseif dfl[ak][-1] < t:DChar.dfl[ak][0] let ds.b = [0, t:DChar.dfl[bk][0], dfl[ak][-1] + 1, \t:DChar.dfl[ak][0]] endif endif endif endif if ix == -1 let [sd, sl, df, dl] = (ds.t[3] - ds.t[2] <= ds.b[3] - ds.b[2]) ? \ds.t : ds.b call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], 'let dc = len(s:GetDiffLines(df, dl))') endif let ac = len(dfl[ak]) call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[bk], 'let dfl[bk] = \s:SearchDiffLines(sd, sl, dc + ac)') let dfl[bk] = sd ? dfl[bk][-ac :] : dfl[bk][: ac - 1] return dfl endfunction function! s:GetLineColCnr() abort let lcc = {} for k in [1, 2] call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[k], 'let lcc[k] = \#{tl: line("w0"), bl: line("w$"), ll: line("$"), \cl: line("."), cc: col("."), cn: changenr()}') if lcc[k].bl < lcc[k].ll && (s:VF.ScreenPos ? \screenpos(t:DChar.wid[k], lcc[k].bl + 1, 1).row != 0 : \&display =~ 'lastline\|truncate' && getwinvar(t:DChar.wid[k], '&wrap')) let lcc[k].bl += 1 endif endfor return lcc endfunction function! s:UpdateDiffChar() abort if mode(1) != 'n' || !exists('t:DChar') || \len(filter(gettabinfo(tabpagenr())[0].windows, \'getwinvar(v:val, "&diff") && \index(values(t:DChar.wid), v:val) != -1')) != 2 return endif let lcc = t:DChar.lcc | let t:DChar.lcc = s:GetLineColCnr() let ak = 2 while 0 < ak && lcc[ak].cn == t:DChar.lcc[ak].cn | let ak -= 1 | endwhile if 0 < ak " when text changed, find DChar lines to delete/add/shift, and " to leave undeleted/unadded let bk = (ak == 1) ? 2 : 1 let lnd = t:DChar.lcc[ak].ll - lcc[ak].ll let pfl = t:DChar.dfl let cfl = s:FocusDiffLines(1) let m = min([len(pfl[ak]), len(cfl[ak])]) let s = 0 while s < m && [pfl[ak][s], pfl[bk][s]] == [cfl[ak][s], cfl[bk][s]] && \get(t:DChar.cks[ak], pfl[ak][s]) == \s:ChecksumStr(getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], cfl[ak][s])[0]) let s += 1 endwhile let m -= s let e = -1 while e >= -m && [pfl[ak][e] + lnd, pfl[bk][e]] == \[cfl[ak][e], cfl[bk][e]] && get(t:DChar.cks[ak], pfl[ak][e]) == \s:ChecksumStr(getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], cfl[ak][e])[0]) let e -= 1 endwhile let ddl = pfl[ak][s : e] let adl = cfl[ak][s : e] if lnd != 0 && e < -1 let sdl = pfl[ak][e + 1 :] else let sdl = [] for d in range(len(ddl) - 1, 0, -1) let a = index(adl, ddl[d]) if a != -1 && pfl[bk][s + d] == cfl[bk][s + a] && \get(t:DChar.cks[ak], ddl[d]) == \s:ChecksumStr(getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], adl[a])[0]) unlet ddl[d] unlet adl[a] endif endfor endif call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[ak], \['if 0 < t:DChar.dpv.pv', 'call s:ClearDiffCharPair(ak)', 'endif', \'if !empty(ddl)', 'call s:ResetDiffChar(ddl)', 'endif', \'let t:DChar.dfl = cfl', \'if !empty(sdl)', 'call s:ShiftDiffChar(ak, sdl, lnd)', 'endif', \'if !empty(adl)', 'call s:ShowDiffChar(adl)', 'endif']) else " when diffupdate invoked or diffopt changed, delete all previous and " then add all current DChar lines if some of DChar option is changed let opt = t:DChar.opt | let t:DChar.opt = s:GetDiffCharOptions() if opt != t:DChar.opt let k = (t:DChar.wid[1] == win_getid()) ? 1 : 2 call s:ResetDiffChar(t:DChar.dfl[k]) let t:DChar.dfl = s:FocusDiffLines(1) if opt.ut != t:DChar.opt.ut let t:DChar.upa = s:GetDiffSplitRegExp(t:DChar.opt.ut) endif if opt.pv != t:DChar.opt.pv let t:DChar.dpv = s:GetDiffPairVisible(t:DChar.opt.pv) endif if opt.cl != t:DChar.opt.cl let t:DChar.hgp = s:GetDiffUnitHL(t:DChar.opt.cl) endif call s:ShowDiffChar(t:DChar.dfl[k]) endif endif endfunction function! diffchar#JumpDiffChar(dir, pos) abort " a:dir : 0 = backward, 1 = forward / a:pos : 0 = start, 1 = end if !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif let k = 2 | while t:DChar.wid[k] != win_getid() | let k -= 1 if k == 0 | return | endif endwhile let [ln, co] = [line('.'), col('.')] if co == col('$') " empty line if !a:dir | let co = 0 | endif else if a:pos let co += len(strcharpart( \getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[k], ln)[0][co - 1 :], 0, 1)) - 1 endif endif if has_key(t:DChar.hlc[k], ln) && \(a:dir ? co < t:DChar.hlc[k][ln][-1][1][a:pos] : \co > t:DChar.hlc[k][ln][0][1][a:pos]) let co = filter(map(copy(t:DChar.hlc[k][ln]), 'v:val[1][a:pos]'), \a:dir ? 'co < v:val' : 'co > v:val')[a:dir ? 0 : -1] else let dl = s:SearchDiffLines(a:dir, a:dir ? ln + 1 : ln - 1, 1) if empty(dl) | return | endif let ln = dl[0] if !has_key(t:DChar.hlc[k], ln) noautocmd call cursor(ln, 0) | call s:ScrollDiffLines(k) if !has_key(t:DChar.hlc[k], ln) | call s:ShowDiffChar(dl) | endif endif let co = t:DChar.hlc[k][ln][a:dir ? 0 : -1][1][a:pos] endif " set a dummy cursor position to adjust the start/end if 0 < t:DChar.dpv.pv call s:ClearDiffCharPair(k) if [a:dir, a:pos] == [1, 0] " forward/start : rightmost let [t:DChar.lcc[k].cl, t:DChar.lcc[k].cc] = [ln, col('$')] elseif [a:dir, a:pos] == [0, 1] " backward/end : leftmost let [t:DChar.lcc[k].cl, t:DChar.lcc[k].cc] = [ln, 0] endif endif call cursor(ln, co) endfunction function! diffchar#CopyDiffCharPair(dir) abort " a:dir : 0 = get, 1 = put if !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif let ak = 2 | while t:DChar.wid[ak] != win_getid() | let ak -= 1 if ak == 0 | return | endif endwhile let bk = (ak == 1) ? 2 : 1 let un = -1 if 0 < t:DChar.dpv.pv if !empty(t:DChar.dpv.ch) | let [al, un] = t:DChar.dpv.ch.lc | endif else let [al, co] = [line('.'), col('.')] if co == col('$') | let co = 0 | endif if has_key(t:DChar.hlc[ak], al) let hc = filter(map(copy(t:DChar.hlc[ak][al]), '[v:key, v:val[1]]'), \'v:val[1][0] <= co && co <= v:val[1][1]') if !empty(hc) | let un = hc[0][0] | endif endif endif if un == -1 call s:EchoWarning('Cursor is not on a difference unit!') return endif let bl = t:DChar.dfl[bk][index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], al)] let et = #{a: {}, b: {}} let [et.a.e, et.a.c] = t:DChar.hlc[ak][al][un] let [et.b.e, et.b.c] = t:DChar.hlc[bk][bl][un] let [et.a.t, et.b.t] = [getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], al)[0], \getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[bk], bl)[0]] let [x, y] = a:dir ? ['b', 'a'] : ['a', 'b'] let s1 = (1 < et[x].c[0]) ? et[x].t[: et[x].c[0] - 2] : '' let s2 = (et[x].e != 'a') ? et[y].t[et[y].c[0] - 1 : et[y].c[1] - 1] : '' if et[x].e == 'd' && et[x].c != [0, 0] let ds = split(et[x].t[et[x].c[0] - 1 : et[x].c[1] - 1], '\zs') let s2 = ((1 < et[y].c[0]) ? ds[0] : '') . s2 . \((et[y].c[1] < len(et[y].t)) ? ds[-1] : '') endif let s3 = (et[x].c[1] < len(et[x].t)) ? et[x].t[et[x].c[1] :] : '' let ss = s1 . s2 . s3 if a:dir call setbufline(t:DChar.bnr[bk], bl, ss) call win_execute(t:DChar.wid[bk], 'let &undolevels = &undolevels') else call setbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], al, ss) endif endfunction function! s:ToggleDiffCharPair(on) abort if t:DChar.dpv.pv == 3 || t:DChar.dpv.pv == 4 let oe = [a:on, empty(t:DChar.dpv.pw)] if s:VF.PopupWindow if oe == [1, 1] let t:DChar.dpv.pw = popup_create('', #{hidden: 1, scrollbar: 0, \wrap: 0, highlight: s:DCharHL.c}) elseif oe == [0, 0] let t:DChar.dpv.pw = popup_close(t:DChar.dpv.pw) endif elseif s:VF.FloatingWindow if oe == [1, 1] let t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb = nvim_create_buf(0, 1) let t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw = nvim_open_win(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb, 0, \#{relative: 'editor', row: 0, col: 0, height: 1, width: 1, \focusable: 0, style: 'minimal'}) call setbufline(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb, 1, '') call setwinvar(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, '&winblend', 100) call setwinvar(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, '&winhighlight', \'Normal:' . s:DCharHL.c) elseif oe == [0, 0] call nvim_win_close(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, 1) call nvim_buf_delete(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb, #{force: 1}) let t:DChar.dpv.pw = {} endif endif endif endfunction function! s:ShowDiffCharPair(key) abort if mode(1) != 'n' || !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif let [pl, pc] = [t:DChar.lcc[a:key].cl, t:DChar.lcc[a:key].cc] let [cl, cc] = [line('.'), col('.')] if cc == col('$') | let cc = 0 | endif let [t:DChar.lcc[a:key].cl, t:DChar.lcc[a:key].cc] = [cl, cc] if t:DChar.lcc[a:key].cn == changenr() if !empty(t:DChar.dpv.ch) if t:DChar.dpv.ch.bk == a:key " clear if a pair accidentally remains on diffsplit call s:ClearDiffCharPair((a:key == 1) ? 2 : 1) else let [hl, hi] = t:DChar.dpv.ch.lc let hc = t:DChar.hlc[a:key][hl][hi][1] if cl == hl && hc[0] <= cc && cc <= hc[1] | return | endif call s:ClearDiffCharPair(a:key) " outside, clear it endif endif if has_key(t:DChar.hlc[a:key], cl) let hu = filter(map(copy(t:DChar.hlc[a:key][cl]), '[v:key, v:val[1]]'), \'v:val[1][0] <= cc && cc <= v:val[1][1]') if !empty(hu) " for 2 contineous 'd', check if cursor moved forward/backward let ix = (len(hu) == 1) ? 0 : (cl == pl) ? cc < pc : cl < pl call s:HighlightDiffCharPair(a:key, cl, hu[ix][0]) endif endif endif endfunction function! s:HighlightDiffCharPair(key, line, col) abort let [ak, bk] = (a:key == 1) ? [1, 2] : [2, 1] let [al, bl] = [a:line, t:DChar.dfl[bk][index(t:DChar.dfl[ak], a:line)]] let t:DChar.dpv.ch.lc = [al, a:col] let t:DChar.dpv.ch.bk = bk let bc = t:DChar.hlc[bk][bl][a:col][1] if bc != [0, 0] let [pos, len] = [bc[0], bc[1] - bc[0] + 1] let t:DChar.dpv.ch.id = matchaddpos(s:DCharHL.c, [[bl, pos, len]], -1, -1, \#{window: t:DChar.wid[bk]}) else let t:DChar.dpv.ch.id = -1 " no cursor hl on empty line endif call execute('autocmd! diffchar WinLeave call s:ClearDiffCharPair(' . ak . ')') if t:DChar.dpv.pv < 2 | return | endif let at = getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[ak], al)[0] let bt = getbufline(t:DChar.bnr[bk], bl)[0] let [ae, ac] = t:DChar.hlc[ak][al][a:col] if ae == 'c' let hl = t:DChar.hgp[(count(map(t:DChar.hlc[ak][al][: a:col], 'v:val[0]'), \'c') - 1) % len(t:DChar.hgp)] let [tb, tx, te] = ['', bt[bc[0] - 1 : bc[1] - 1], ''] elseif ae == 'd' let hl = s:DCharHL.A let [tb, tx, te] = [(1 < bc[0]) ? '<' : '', bt[bc[0] - 1 : bc[1] - 1], \(bc[1] < len(bt)) ? '>' : ''] elseif ae == 'a' let hl = s:DCharHL.D let [tb, tx, te] = ['>', '', '<'] endif if t:DChar.dpv.pv == 2 call execute(['echon tb', 'echohl ' . hl, 'echon tx', 'echohl None', \'echon te'], '') elseif t:DChar.dpv.pv == 3 || t:DChar.dpv.pv == 4 if t:DChar.dpv.pv == 4 | let mp = getmousepos() | endif if s:VF.PopupWindow call popup_move(t:DChar.dpv.pw, (t:DChar.dpv.pv == 3) ? \#{line: 'cursor+1', col: 'cursor'} : \#{line: mp.screenrow, col: mp.screencol}) call popup_settext(t:DChar.dpv.pw, tb . tx . te) call popup_show(t:DChar.dpv.pw) elseif s:VF.FloatingWindow call nvim_win_set_config(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, \extend((t:DChar.dpv.pv == 3) ? \#{relative: 'cursor', row: 1, col: 0} : \#{relative: 'editor', row: mp.screenrow, col: mp.screencol}, \#{width: strdisplaywidth(tb . tx . te)})) call setbufline(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb, 1, tb . tx . te) call setwinvar(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, '&winblend', 0) endif endif endfunction function! s:ClearDiffCharPair(key) abort if !exists('t:DChar') | return | endif if !empty(t:DChar.dpv.ch) let [bk, id] = [t:DChar.dpv.ch.bk, t:DChar.dpv.ch.id] if id != -1 && win_id2win(t:DChar.wid[bk]) != 0 silent! call matchdelete(id, t:DChar.wid[bk]) endif call execute('autocmd! diffchar WinLeave ') let t:DChar.dpv.ch = {} endif if t:DChar.dpv.pv == 2 | call execute('echo', '') elseif t:DChar.dpv.pv == 3 || t:DChar.dpv.pv == 4 if s:VF.PopupWindow | call popup_hide(t:DChar.dpv.pw) elseif s:VF.FloatingWindow call nvim_win_set_config(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, \#{relative: 'editor', row: 0, col: 0, width: 1}) call setbufline(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fb, 1, '') call setwinvar(t:DChar.dpv.pw.fw, '&winblend', 100) endif endif endfunction function! diffchar#ToggleDiffModeSync(...) abort " a:0 : 0 = OptionSet diff, 1 = VimEnter if !exists('t:DChar') && s:DiffCharOpt('NoDiffChar') | return | endif if a:0 || v:option_old != v:option_new let cw = win_getid() if exists('t:DChar') && ((a:0 || v:option_new) ? \index(values(t:DChar.bnr), winbufnr(cw)) == -1 : \index(values(t:DChar.wid), cw) != -1) " diff mode ON on non-DChar buf || OFF on DChar win, try reset let dk = filter([1, 2], 'getwinvar(t:DChar.wid[v:val], "&diff")') if !empty(dk) if empty(filter(copy(dk), 't:DChar.wid[v:val] == cw')) let cw = t:DChar.wid[dk[0]] endif call win_execute(cw, 'call s:ResetDiffChar()') endif endif if !exists('t:DChar') let aw = win_id2win(cw) let dw = filter(map(range(aw, winnr('$')) + range(1, aw - 1), \'win_getid(v:val)'), 'getwinvar(v:val, "&diff")') if 1 < len(dw) " 2 or more diff mode wins exists, try show call win_execute(dw[0], 'call s:ShowDiffChar()') endif endif endif endfunction function! s:WinClosedDiffChar() abort " reset and show (if possible) DChar on WinClosed or BufWinLeave for ti in filter(gettabinfo(), 'has_key(v:val.variables, "DChar")') let dc = ti.variables.DChar for k in [1, 2] if s:VF.WinClosed ? dc.wid[k] == eval(expand('')) : \dc.bnr[k] == eval(expand('')) if !s:VF.WinExecFixed && ti.tabnr != tabpagenr() let cw = win_getid() noautocmd call win_gotoid(dc.wid[k]) | call s:ResetDiffChar() else let cw = 0 call win_execute(dc.wid[k], 'call s:ResetDiffChar()') endif let dw = filter(ti.windows, 'v:val != dc.wid[k] && \winbufnr(v:val) == dc.bnr[k] && getwinvar(v:val, "&diff")') if !empty(dw) if cw noautocmd call win_gotoid(dw[0]) | call s:ShowDiffChar() else call win_execute(dw[0], 'call s:ShowDiffChar()') endif endif if cw | noautocmd call win_gotoid(cw) | endif return endif endfor endfor endfunction function! s:RepairDiffChar() abort " repair DChar whose win was accidentally closed on BufWinEnter/WinEnter if exists('t:DChar') let dc = t:DChar let dw = filter(copy(dc.wid), 'win_id2win(v:val) != 0 && \winbufnr(v:val) == dc.bnr[v:key] && getwinvar(v:val, "&diff")') if len(dw) == 1 call win_execute(values(dw)[0], ['call s:ResetDiffChar()', \'call s:ShowDiffChar()']) endif endif endfunction function! s:EchoWarning(msg) abort call execute(['echohl WarningMsg', 'echo a:msg', 'echohl None'], '') endfunction if !has('vim9script') function! s:TraceDiffChar(u1, u2, ih) abort " An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm let [u1, u2, eq, e1, e2] = [a:u1, a:u2, '=', '-', '+'] let [n1, n2] = [len(u1), len(u2)] if u1 ==# u2 | return repeat(eq, n1) elseif n1 == 0 | return repeat(e2, n2) elseif n2 == 0 | return repeat(e1, n1) endif let [N, M, u1, u2] = (n1 >= n2) ? [n1, n2, u1, u2] : [n2, n1, u2, u1] if n1 < n2 | let [e1, e2] = [e2, e1] | endif let D = N - M let fp = repeat([-1], M + N + 1) let etree = [] " [next edit, previous p, previous k] let p = -1 while fp[D] != N let p += 1 let epk = repeat([[]], p * 2 + D + 1) for k in range(-p, D - 1, 1) + range(D + p, D, -1) let [y, epk[k]] = (fp[k - 1] + 1 > fp[k + 1]) ? \[fp[k - 1] + 1, [e1, [(k > D) ? p - 1 : p, k - 1]]] : \[fp[k + 1], [e2, [(k < D) ? p - 1 : p, k + 1]]] let x = y - k while x < M && y < N && u2[x] ==# u1[y] let epk[k][0] .= eq | let [x, y] += [1, 1] endwhile let fp[k] = y endfor let etree += [epk] endwhile let ses = '' while 1 let ses = etree[p][k][0] . ses if [p, k] == [0, 0] | break | endif let [p, k] = etree[p][k][1] endwhile let ses = ses[1 :] return a:ih ? s:ReduceDiffHunk(a:u1, a:u2, ses) : ses endfunction function! s:ApplyDiffFunc(u1, u2, ih) abort let [eq, e1, e2] = ['=', '-', '+'] let [n1, n2] = [len(a:u1), len(a:u2)] if a:u1 ==# a:u2 | return repeat(eq, n1) elseif n1 == 0 | return repeat(e2, n2) elseif n2 == 0 | return repeat(e1, n1) endif let ses = '' let vd = s:DiffFunc(a:u1, a:u2) if !empty(vd) let p1 = 0 for [i1, c1, i2, c2] in vd + [[n1, 0, 0, 0]] let ses .= repeat(eq, i1 - p1) . repeat(e1, c1) . repeat(e2, c2) let p1 = i1 + c1 endfor endif return a:ih ? s:ReduceDiffHunk(a:u1, a:u2, ses) : ses endfunction function! s:ReduceDiffHunk(u1, u2, ses) abort " in ==++++/==----, if == units equal to last ++/-- units, swap their SESs " (AB vs AxByAB : =+=+++ -> =++++= -> ++++==) let [eq, e1, e2] = ['=', '-', '+'] let [p1, p2] = [-1, -1] | let ses = '' | let ez = '' for ed in reverse(split(a:ses, '[+-]\+\zs')) let es = ed . ez | let ez = '' | let qe = count(es, eq) if 0 < qe let [q1, q2] = [count(es, e1), count(es, e2)] let [uu, pp, qq] = (qe <= q1 && q2 == 0) ? [a:u1, p1, q1] : \(q1 == 0 && qe <= q2) ? [a:u2, p2, q2] : [[], 0, 0] if !empty(uu) && uu[pp - qq - qe + 1 : pp - qq] ==# uu[pp - qe + 1 : pp] let ez = es[-qe :] . es[qe : -qe - 1] | let es = es[: qe - 1] else let [p1, p2] -= [q1, q2] endif endif let [p1, p2] -= [qe, qe] let ses = es . ses endfor let ses = ez . ses return ses endfunction if has('nvim') function! s:DiffFunc(u1, u2) abort return map(v:lua.vim.diff(join(a:u1, "\n") . "\n", join(a:u2, "\n") . "\n", \#{result_type: 'indices'}), \'[v:val[0] - ((0 < v:val[1]) ? 1 : 0), v:val[1], \v:val[2] - ((0 < v:val[3]) ? 1 : 0), v:val[3]]') endfunction else function! s:DiffFunc(u1, u2) abort return map(diff(a:u1, a:u2, #{output: 'indices'}), \'[v:val.from_idx, v:val.from_count, v:val.to_idx, v:val.to_count]') endfunction endif function! s:GetDiffUnitPos(uu, es) abort if empty(a:uu[0]) return [[['d', [0, 0]]], [['a', [1, len(join(a:uu[1], ''))]]]] elseif empty(a:uu[1]) return [[['a', [1, len(join(a:uu[0], ''))]]], [['d', [0, 0]]]] endif let cc = [[], []] | let ll = [1, 1] | let pp = [0, 0] for ed in split(a:es, '[+-]\+\zs', 1)[: -2] let qe = count(ed, '=') | let qq = [count(ed, '-'), count(ed, '+')] let ee = (qq[0] == 0) ? ['d', 'a'] : (qq[1] == 0) ? ['a', 'd'] : \['c', 'c'] for k in [0, 1] if 0 < qe let [ll[k], pp[k]] += \[len(join(a:uu[k][pp[k] : pp[k] + qe - 1], '')), qe] endif if 0 < qq[k] let hh = [ll[k]] let [ll[k], pp[k]] += \[len(join(a:uu[k][pp[k] : pp[k] + qq[k] - 1], '')), qq[k]] let hh += [ll[k] - 1] else let hh = [ll[k] - ((0 < pp[k]) ? \len(matchstr(a:uu[k][pp[k] - 1], '.$')) : 0), \ll[k] + ((pp[k] < len(a:uu[k])) ? \len(matchstr(a:uu[k][pp[k]], '^.')) : 0) - 1] endif let cc[k] += [[ee[k], hh]] endfor endfor return cc endfunction function! s:HighlightDiffChar(lec) abort let hn = len(t:DChar.hgp) for k in [1, 2] for [ln, ec] in items(a:lec[k]) if has_key(t:DChar.mid[k], ln) | continue | endif let t:DChar.hlc[k][ln] = ec let hc = {} | let cn = 0 for [e, c] in ec if e == 'c' let h = t:DChar.hgp[cn % hn] | let cn += 1 elseif e == 'a' let h = s:DCharHL.A elseif e == 'd' if c == [0, 0] | continue | endif let h = s:DCharHL.E endif if !has_key(hc, h) | let hc[h] = [] | endif let hc[h] += [[ln, c[0], c[1] - c[0] + 1]] endfor let t:DChar.mid[k][ln] = [matchaddpos(s:DCharHL.C, [[ln]], -5, -1, \#{window: t:DChar.wid[k]})] for [h, c] in items(hc) let t:DChar.mid[k][ln] += s:VF.MatchAddMore ? \[matchaddpos(h, c, -3, -1, #{window: t:DChar.wid[k]})] : \map(range(0, len(c) - 1, 8), \'matchaddpos(h, c[v:val : v:val + 7], -3, -1, \#{window: t:DChar.wid[k]})') endfor endfor endfor endfunction function! s:SearchDiffLines(sd, sl, sc) abort " a:sd = direction (1:down, 0:up), a:sl = start line, a:sc = count let dl = [] | let [ln, sc] = [a:sl, a:sc] if a:sd while 0 < sc && ln <= line('$') let zl = [] while len(zl) < sc let fc = foldclosedend(ln) if fc == -1 | let zl += [ln] | else | let ln = fc | endif let ln += 1 endwhile let zl = s:CheckDiffLines(zl) | let sc -= len(zl) | let dl += zl endwhile else while 0 < sc && 1 <= ln let zl = [] while len(zl) < sc let fc = foldclosed(ln) if fc == -1 | let zl = [ln] + zl | else | let ln = fc | endif let ln -= 1 endwhile let zl = s:CheckDiffLines(zl) | let sc -= len(zl) | let dl = zl + dl endwhile endif return dl endfunction function! s:GetDiffLines(sl, el) abort let dl = [] | let ln = a:sl while ln <= a:el let fc = foldclosedend(ln) if fc == -1 | let dl += [ln] | else | let ln = fc | endif let ln += 1 endwhile return s:CheckDiffLines(dl) endfunction function! s:CheckDiffLines(ll) abort " check [0] first, diff_hlID() sometimes fails for the 1st entry of the list return filter([0] + a:ll, \'index([s:DiffHL.C.id, s:DiffHL.T.id], diff_hlID(v:val, 1)) != -1') endfunction function! s:ChecksumStr(str) abort return sha256(a:str)[: 5] endfunction else function! s:DefVim9DiffChar() abort def! s:TraceDiffChar(u1: list, u2: list, ih: bool): string const [eq, n1, n2] = ['=', len(u1), len(u2)] var [e1, e2] = ['-', '+'] if u1 ==# u2 | return repeat(eq, n1) elseif n1 == 0 | return repeat(e2, n2) elseif n2 == 0 | return repeat(e1, n1) endif const [N, M, v1, v2] = (n1 >= n2) ? [n1, n2, u1, u2] : [n2, n1, u2, u1] if n1 < n2 | [e1, e2] = [e2, e1] | endif const D = N - M var fp = repeat([-1], M + N + 1) var etree = [] var p = -1 while fp[D] != N p += 1 var epk = repeat([[]], p * 2 + D + 1) for k in range(-p, D - 1, 1) + range(D + p, D, -1) var x: number | var y: number [y, epk[k]] = (fp[k - 1] + 1 > fp[k + 1]) ? [fp[k - 1] + 1, [e1, [(k > D) ? p - 1 : p, k - 1]]] : [fp[k + 1], [e2, [(k < D) ? p - 1 : p, k + 1]]] x = y - k while x < M && y < N && v2[x] ==# v1[y] epk[k][0] ..= eq | [x, y] += [1, 1] endwhile fp[k] = y endfor etree += [epk] endwhile var k = D var ses = '' while 1 ses = etree[p][k][0] .. ses if [p, k] == [0, 0] | break | endif [p, k] = etree[p][k][1] endwhile ses = ses[1 :] return ih ? s:ReduceDiffHunk(u1, u2, ses) : ses enddef def! s:ApplyDiffFunc(u1: list, u2: list, ih: bool): string const [eq, e1, e2] = ['=', '-', '+'] const [n1, n2] = [len(u1), len(u2)] if u1 ==# u2 | return repeat(eq, n1) elseif n1 == 0 | return repeat(e2, n2) elseif n2 == 0 | return repeat(e1, n1) endif var ses = '' var vd = map(diff(u1, u2, {'output': 'indices'}), (_, v) => [v.from_idx, v.from_count, v.to_idx, v.to_count]) if !empty(vd) var p1 = 0 for [i1, c1, i2, c2] in vd + [[n1, 0, 0, 0]] ses ..= repeat(eq, i1 - p1) .. repeat(e1, c1) .. repeat(e2, c2) p1 = i1 + c1 endfor endif return ih ? s:ReduceDiffHunk(u1, u2, ses) : ses enddef def! s:ReduceDiffHunk(u1: list, u2: list, ses: string): string # in ==++++/==----, if == units equal to last ++/-- units, swap their SESs # (AB vs AxByAB : =+=+++ -> =++++= -> ++++==) const [eq, e1, e2] = ['=', '-', '+'] var [p1, p2] = [-1, -1] | var xes = '' | var ez = '' for ed in reverse(split(ses, '[+-]\+\zs')) var es = ed .. ez | ez = '' | const qe = count(es, eq) if 0 < qe const [q1, q2] = [count(es, e1), count(es, e2)] const [uu, pp, qq] = (qe <= q1 && q2 == 0) ? [u1, p1, q1] : (q1 == 0 && qe <= q2) ? [u2, p2, q2] : [[], 0, 0] if !empty(uu) && uu[pp - qq - qe + 1 : pp - qq] ==# uu[pp - qe + 1 : pp] ez = es[-qe :] .. es[qe : -qe - 1] | es = es[: qe - 1] else [p1, p2] -= [q1, q2] endif endif [p1, p2] -= [qe, qe] xes = es .. xes endfor xes = ez .. xes return xes enddef def! s:GetDiffUnitPos(uu: list, es: string): list if empty(uu[0]) return [[['d', [0, 0]]], [['a', [1, len(join(uu[1], ''))]]]] elseif empty(uu[1]) return [[['a', [1, len(join(uu[0], ''))]]], [['d', [0, 0]]]] endif var cc = [[], []] | var ll = [1, 1] | var pp = [0, 0] for ed in split(es, '[+-]\+\zs', 1)[: -2] var qe = count(ed, '=') | var qq = [count(ed, '-'), count(ed, '+')] var ee = (qq[0] == 0) ? ['d', 'a'] : (qq[1] == 0) ? ['a', 'd'] : ['c', 'c'] for k in [0, 1] if 0 < qe [ll[k], pp[k]] += [len(join(uu[k][pp[k] : pp[k] + qe - 1], '')), qe] endif var hh: list if 0 < qq[k] hh = [ll[k]] [ll[k], pp[k]] += [len(join(uu[k][pp[k] : pp[k] + qq[k] - 1], '')), qq[k]] hh += [ll[k] - 1] else hh = [ll[k] - ((0 < pp[k]) ? len(matchstr(uu[k][pp[k] - 1], '.$')) : 0), ll[k] + ((pp[k] < len(uu[k])) ? len(matchstr(uu[k][pp[k]], '^.')) : 0) - 1] endif cc[k] += [[ee[k], hh]] endfor endfor return cc enddef def! s:HighlightDiffChar(lec: dict) const hn = len(t:DChar.hgp) for k in [1, 2] for [l, ec] in items(lec[k]) var ln = str2nr(l) if has_key(t:DChar.mid[k], ln) | continue | endif t:DChar.hlc[k][ln] = ec var hc = {} | var h: string | var cn = 0 for [e, c] in ec if e == 'c' h = t:DChar.hgp[cn % hn] | cn += 1 elseif e == 'a' h = s:DCharHL.A elseif e == 'd' if c == [0, 0] | continue | endif h = s:DCharHL.E endif if !has_key(hc, h) | hc[h] = [] | endif hc[h] += [[ln, c[0], c[1] - c[0] + 1]] endfor t:DChar.mid[k][ln] = [matchaddpos(s:DCharHL.C, [ln], -5, -1, {'window': t:DChar.wid[k]})] for [hh, cc] in items(hc) t:DChar.mid[k][ln] += s:VF.MatchAddMore ? [matchaddpos(hh, cc, -3, -1, {'window': t:DChar.wid[k]})] : map(range(0, len(cc) - 1, 8), (_, v) => matchaddpos(hh, cc[v : v + 7], -3, -1, {'window': t:DChar.wid[k]})) endfor endfor endfor enddef def! s:SearchDiffLines(sd: number, sl: number, sc: number): list # a:sd = direction (1:down, 0:up), a:sl = start line, a:sc = count var dl = [] | var ln = sl | var sn = sc if sd while 0 < sn && ln <= line('$') var zl = [] while len(zl) < sn var fc = foldclosedend(ln) if fc == -1 | zl += [ln] | else | ln = fc | endif ln += 1 endwhile zl = s:CheckDiffLines(zl) | sn -= len(zl) | dl += zl endwhile else while 0 < sn && 1 <= ln var zl = [] while len(zl) < sn var fc = foldclosed(ln) if fc == -1 | zl = [ln] + zl | else | ln = fc | endif ln -= 1 endwhile zl = s:CheckDiffLines(zl) | sn -= len(zl) | dl = zl + dl endwhile endif return dl enddef def! s:GetDiffLines(sl: number, el: number): list var dl = [] | var ln = sl while ln <= el var fc = foldclosedend(ln) if fc == -1 | dl += [ln] | else | ln = fc | endif ln += 1 endwhile return s:CheckDiffLines(dl) enddef def! s:CheckDiffLines(ll: list): list # check [0] first, diff_hlID() sometimes fails for the 1st entry of the list return filter([0] + ll, (_, v) => index([s:DiffHL.C.id, s:DiffHL.T.id], diff_hlID(v, 1)) != -1) enddef def! s:ChecksumStr(str: string): string return sha256(str)[: 5] enddef endfunction call s:DefVim9DiffChar() endif let &cpoptions = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: ts=2 sw=0 sts=-1 et