# i3status configuration file. # see "man i3status" for documentation. # It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8. # The following line should contain a sharp s: # ß # If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first! general { colors = true interval = 5 separator ="" markup = none output_format = i3bar color_good = "#A1B56C" color_degraded ="#F7CA88" color_bad="#AB4642" } # ROOT # order += "disk /home/sdk" disk "/home/sdk" { prefix_type = custom format = "Home: %avail" low_threshold = 10 format_below_threshold = "Home: %avail" threshold_type = gbytes_avail } ## TEMP # order += "cpu_temperature 0" cpu_temperature 0 { format = "%degrees°C" } # # VOLUME # order += "volume master" volume master { format = "%volume" format_muted = "-%" device = "default" mixer = "Master" mixer_idx = 0 } # BATTERY # order += "battery 0" battery 0 { format = "%status%percentage" format_down = "No battery" status_chr = "⚡" status_bat = "⚪" status_full = "⚫" low_threshold = 10 } # NETWORK # order += "ethernet trunk0" ethernet trunk0 { format_up = "%ip" format_down = "" } # WIFI # order += "wireless iwx0" wireless iwm0 { format_up = "(%essid)" format_down = "" } # TIME # order += "tztime local" tztime local { format = "%a %d.%m.%y %H:%M" }