# Browser Dark Mode Dark Mode luckily has become a thing also in the non-unix world. Finally browsers can be used with dark interfaces and websites can have alternative color schemes. However, in other operating systems, there is a global toggle for dark mode, which also switches the browser into it. This is not the case on linux and unix systems. ## Chrome / Chromium / Iridium Chrome and Chromium starting with version 73 can be tought to start in dark mode:
$ chrome --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode
Then go to chrome://settings/?search=themes and switch the theme to "Classic". ## Firefox Firefox learned the dark mode in release 70. 0. Go to "about:config" 1. Enter "ui.systemUsesDarkTheme" into the search bar 2. Click "Number" and then "+" 3. Enter "1" and click the check mark Right click on a free spot in the icon bar and select "customize". At the bottom left of the screen, you can switch to a dark theme. Note: If you've set privacy.resistFingerprinting to "true" the CSS dark mode switching won't work. Kudus to [@andinus@tilde.zone](https://tilde.zone/@andinus) for figuring this out. There you go, both browsers are in dark mode now. The UI should be dark and also websites that support the `@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` directive should make use of it. You can test it on my webpage ([https://codevoid.de](https://codevoid.de)). The light version has a light gray background and a blue font. The dark version has a dark gray background and an orange font. ## vim-browser (vimb)
$ echo "set dark-mode=true" >> ${HOME}/.config/vimb/config
## luakit Open `:settings` and check `application.prefer_dark_mode`