
272 lines
7.3 KiB

use strict;
package TrsrDB::HTTP;
use TrsrDB::Error;
use Mojolicious 6.0;
use Mojolicious::Sessions;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use POSIX qw(strftime);
has db => sub {
my $db;
eval q{use TrsrDB \$db} or $@ && die $@;
return $db;
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
hypnotoad => {
listen => [ $ENV{MOJO_LISTEN} ],
pid_file => $ENV{PIDFILE},
workers => 2,
layout => 'default',
user => undef,
$self->helper(money => sub {
my (undef, $cent) = @_;
return if !defined $cent;
my $c100 = $cent =~ s{ (\d{0,2}) \z }{}xms && sprintf("%02d", $1);
$cent ||= 0;
return qq{<strong>$cent</strong>.$c100};
$self->helper(nl2br => sub {
pop =~ s{\n}{<br>}grms;
if ( my $l = $ENV{LOG} ) {
use Mojo::Log;
open my $fh, '>', $l or die "Could not open logfile $l to write: $!";
$self->log( Mojo::Log->new( handle => $fh, level => 'warn' ) );
unshift @{$self->static->paths}, $self->home->rel_dir('site');
$self->helper( 'reply.client_error' => \&prepare_client_error );
$self->hook( before_render => \&restapi_reply_jsonifier );
# Router
my $r = $self->routes->under(\&initialize_stash);
$r->any( [qw/GET POST/] => "/login" )->to("user#login", retry_msg => 0 );
my $auth = $r->under(\&require_user_otherwise_login_or_fail);
$auth->get( '/logout' )->to("user#logout");
my $check = $auth->under(sub { shift->stash('grade') })->get('/');
$check->get('/bankStatement' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->stash( records => $c->app->db->resultset("ReconstructedBankStatement") );
my $admin = $auth->under(sub { shift->stash('grade') > 1 });
$admin->any( [qw/GET POST/] => '/account/:account' => { account => undef })
$admin->any( [qw/GET POST PATCH/] => '/credit/:id' )->to('credit#upsert');
$admin->any( [qw/GET POST/] => '/credit')->to('credit#upsert');
$admin->any( [qw/GET POST PATCH/] => '/debit/*id' )->to('debit#upsert');
$admin->any( [qw/GET POST/] => '/debit')->to('debit#upsert');
$admin->get('/:action')->to(controller => 'admin');
my $account = $auth->get('/:account')->under(sub {
my $c = shift;
my $account = $c->stash('account');
if ( my $acc = $c->app->db->resultset('Account')->find($account) ) {
$c->stash( account => $acc );
$account = $acc;
else {
return $account->type ? $c->stash('grade') : 1;
my $started_time;
BEGIN { $started_time = scalar localtime(); }
sub get_started_time { $started_time; }
sub initialize_stash {
my $c = shift;
my $ct = $c->req->headers->content_type;
is_restapi_req => $c->accepts('', 'json' )
|| $ct && $ct ne 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
current_time => strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime time),
return 1;
sub require_user_otherwise_login_or_fail {
my $c = shift;
my $is_restapi_req = $c->stash('is_restapi_req');
if ( my $u = authenticate_user($c) ) {
$c->stash( user => $u );
$c->stash( grade => $u->grade );
return 1;
elsif ( !$is_restapi_req && $c->req->method eq "GET" ) {
else {
return undef;
# Rely on Mojolicious in that the session cookie be cryptographically
# protected against manipulation (HMAC-SHA1 signature). Hence, if the
# user id is defined, the user has certainly logged in properly.
# Refer to `perldoc Mojolicious::Controller` if interested.
# If the REST application programing interface is used, there is no
# cookie. To stay "RESTful", we rely on HTTP header "Authentification".
sub authenticate_user {
my $c = shift;
my ($user, my $password)
= split /:/, ( $c->req->url->to_abs->userinfo // q{} ), 2;
my $further_check;
if ( $user ) { $further_check = 1 }
elsif ( $user = $c->session('user_id') ) {}
$user &&= $c->app->db->user($user) or return;
if ( $further_check ) {
$user->password_equals($password) or return;
$c->stash("user" => $user);
return $user;
sub prepare_client_error {
my $c = shift;
my $x = @_ > 1 ? { @_ } : shift;
my %args;
# Case 1: We have got a genuine application error object of
# which we know the interface.
if ( (my $xclass = ref $x) =~ s{^TrsrDB::Error\b}{} ) {
# consider rather Scalar::Util::blessed ... Yes, I did
$xclass =~ s{^::}{};
%args = (
%{ $x->dump(0) },
error => $xclass || "General error",
# Case 2: We have got a plain hash of arguments to use directly
elsif ( ref $x eq 'HASH' ) {
%args = ( (map { $_ => undef } qw(message error)), %$x);
# Otherwise, we have got an exception thrown from other, third-party
# code. You should design your production-mode exception template so
# that it displays only $error and $message, not $exception, because
# this might allow potential attackers to examine your server's
# vulnerabilities.
else {
my $u = $c->stash("user");
error => "Internal server error",
message => $u && $u->can_admin ? (ref $x ? "$x" : $x)
: "Oops, something went wrong. (A more detailed "
. "error message logged server-side. Ask the admin.)"
$c->res->code( delete $args{http_status} // 500 );
return $c->render( template => 'exception.production', %args );
sub restapi_reply_jsonifier {
my ($c, $args) = @_;
return if !$c->stash('is_restapi_req')
|| $args->{json};
my %stash = ( %{ $c->stash }, %$args );
delete @stash{ # general slots of internal interest ...
qw(snapshot user template is_restapi_req layout
hoster_info cb action controller
grep { /^mojo\./ } keys %stash
$args->{json} = \%stash;
sub render_online_help {
require Text::Markdown;
my $c = shift;
my $file = $c->stash("file");
if ( $file =~ m{(^|\/)\.} ) {
return $c->reply->not_found;
elsif ( $file =~ m{\.(\w{3,4})$} ) {
return $c->reply->static( "../doc/online-help/" . $file );
$file = $c->app->home->rel_file(
"doc/online-help/" . ( $file || "faq" ) . ".md"
open my $fh, '<', $file or return $c->reply->not_found;
binmode $fh, ':utf8';
$c->stash( layout => undef ) if $c->param('bare');
$c->render( template => 'online_help', file => $file );