149 lines
4.4 KiB
149 lines
4.4 KiB
use strict;
package TrsrDB;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
Account Debit Credit Transfer CurrentArrears AvailableCredits
Category Balance Report ReconstructedBankStatement History User
sub import {
my ($class, $dbh_ref, $filename) = @_;
return if @_ == 1;
croak "use TrsrDB \$your_db_handle missing" if !defined $dbh_ref;
my $filename //= $ENV{TRSRDB_SQLITE_FILE}
// croak "No database to open: TRSRDB_SQLITE_FILE environment variable not set, "
. "and no filename passed to ".__PACKAGE__."::import() / use";
if ( !(-f $filename && -r $filename) ) {
croak "Cannot read database file $filename";
$$dbh_ref = $class->connect(
"DBI:SQLite:" . ($filename // $ENV{TRSRDB_SQLITE_FILE}
// die "No database to open: TRSRDB_SQLITE_FILE environment variable not set\n"),
"", "", {
sqlite_unicode => 1,
on_connect_call => 'use_foreign_keys',
on_connect_do => 'PRAGMA recursive_triggers = 1',
sub make_transfers {
my ($self, @pairs) = @_;
my $from_to = [
undef, AvailableCredits => 'credId',
suggested_to_pay => 'billId', undef
my $to_from = [
undef, CurrentArrears => 'billId',
payable_with => 'credId', undef
my $transfers = $self->resultset('Transfer');
my @dir = ($from_to, $to_from);
my ($rs, $transferred_total, $src_total, $tgt_total);
while ( my ($src, $tgt) = splice @pairs, 0, 2 ) {
$rs = $self->resultset("AvailableCredits")->search(
expand_ids($src => 'credId' )
$src = [ $rs->get_column('credId')->all ];
$src_total += $rs->get_column('difference')->sum;
$rs = $self->resultset("CurrentArrears")->search(
expand_ids( $tgt => 'billId' )
$tgt = [ $rs->get_column('billId')->all ];
$tgt_total += $rs->get_column('difference')->sum;
@{$to_from}[5,0] = @{$from_to}[0,5] = ($src, $tgt);
my $i = 0;
while ( @$src && @$tgt ) {
my ($item, $thistable, $thisidname,
$m2mrel, $otheridname, $otherids)
= @{ $dir[ $i ] }
1 until $item
= $self->resultset($thistable)->find(
shift(@$item) // last
my $diff = $item->difference;
my @otherids =
$otheridname => { -in => $otherids }
my $transfer;
while ( $diff > 0 ) {
$transfer = $transfers->create({
$thisidname => $item->id,
$otheridname => shift(@otherids) // last
$transfer->discard_changes; # sorry, DBIx::Class devs, what a bad name!
# how about 'refresh_from_storage'
for ( $transfer->amount ) {
$diff -= $_;
$transferred_total += $_;
redo if !$diff;
continue {
$i = !$i || 0;
return $src_total, $tgt_total, $transferred_total // 0;
sub expand_ids {
my ($ids, $default_slot) = @_;
my @ids = map { m{ \A (\d+) - (\d+) \z }xms ? [ $1 .. $2 ] : $_ }
ref $ids ? @$ids : split q{,}, $ids
my (@alternatives, %raws);
for my $id ( @ids ) {
my $slot = ref $id ? $default_slot
: $id =~ s{^p(urpose)?:}{}i ? "purpose"
: $id =~ s{^d(ate)?:}{}i ? "date"
: $id =~ s{^v(alue)?:}{}i ? "value"
: $default_slot
if ( ref $id eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$raws{$slot}{'-in'}, @$ids;
elsif ( $id eq '*' ) {
@alternatives = ( $slot => { -not_in => [] });
elsif (
$id =~ s{([%*_?])}{
$1 eq '*' ? '%' : $1 eq '?' ? '_' : $1
) {
push @alternatives, { $slot => { -like => $id } };
else { push @{ $raws{$slot}{'-like'} }, $id }
while ( my @v = each %raws ) { push @alternatives, { @v } }
return \@alternatives;
sub user {