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# spotdiff.vim
### A range and area selectable `:diffthis` to compare partially
Vim provides a diff mode which is useful to see differences between windows.
However, it always shows the differences for entire line. And it can not
compare a sequence of words within a line, and sentences and paragraphs which
are separated into several lines.
To compare partially everywhere in any window, this plugin provides two groups
of commands, which are alternative to vim original `:diffthis`, `:diffoff`,
and `:diffupdate`. One is for which allows to select a range of lines in diff
mode. Another is for which allows to select the Visual, motion, and text
object area in non-diff normal mode. Both work independently in a tab page.
## Selecting a range of lines
There are `:Diffthis`, `:Diffoff`, and `:Diffupdate` commands available.
You can use `:Diffthis` to specify a range of lines to be compared. And can
use `:Diffoff` to reset and `:Diffupdate` to update the differences.
Do not use vim original diff commands together with this plugin's ones. Try
`:Diffoff!` to reset all in a trouble.
If you have installed [diffchar.vim](https://github.com/rickhowe/diffchar.vim)
plugin, you can see the exact differences and use their options and keymaps.
#### Commands
* `:[range]Diffthis`
* Select a range of lines with `[range]` (default: current line) and make the
current window diff mode. The selected lines are highlighted in
`hl-CursorColumn`. Shortly after the two separate windows become diff
mode, `:Diffthis` shows the differences for selected lines in each window.
It is also possible to select two ranges of lines in the same window. In
that case, `:Diffthis` opens a temporary new window at above or below (or
left or right if "vertical" is included in the 'diffopt' option) of the
current one, copies selected lines to it, and shows the difference with
source window.
* `:Diffoff[!]`
* Clear the selected range of lines and reset diff mode for the current
window. If `!` flag is specified, clear and reset for all windows in the
current tab page. The temporary window created by `:Diffthis` will be
* `:Diffupdate`
* Update the differences for the selected range of lines in the current tab
#### Demo

## Selecting the Visual, motion, and text object area
There are `:VDiffthis`, `:VDiffoff`, and `:VDiffupdate` commands available.
You can use `:VDiffthis` to specify the Visual area to be compared. And can
use `:VDiffoff` to reset and `:VDiffupdate` to update the differences. Note
that those commands work in non-diff normal mode.
While showing the exact differences, when the cursor is moved on a difference
unit, you can see its corresponding unit highlighted in `hl-Cursor`, according
to the `g:DiffPairVisible` option.
You can use `]b` or `]e` to jump cursor to start or end position of the next
difference unit, and `[b` or `[e` to the start or end position of the previous
This plugin provides the corresponding mappings to those commands, such as
`<Plug>(VDiffthis)` and `<Plug>(VDiffoff)`. As a default, `<Leader>t` and `<Leader>o`
keys are mapped to them and, for example, `v$<Leader>t` selects the text from
the current cursor position to the end of line and `3vis<Leader>t` selects the
next 3 sentences as the Visual area. And `<Leader>o` clears the selected area.
In addition to selecting the Visual area, you can use `<Leader>t` as a custom
operator followed by a motion or a text object command, which will set those
selected area as the Visual one and then call `:VDiffthis`. For example,
`<Leader>t$` and `<Leader>t3is` work same as above examples.
#### Commands
* `:[range]VDiffthis[!]`
* Select the characterwise, linewise, or blockwise Visual area most recently
used in the current window. If `[range]` (default: current line) is not
specified as `'<,'>` and different from the last Visual area, those
specified lines are selected as linewise area instead. The selected area
is highlighted in `hl-DiffChange` with "italic", and then will be compared
as a single combined line. Shortly after the two area are selected,
`:VDiffthis` compares them based on the `g:DiffUnit` option and "icase",
"iwhite", "iwhiteall" and "iwhiteeol" flags in the 'diffopt' option. In
addition, when "indent-heuristic" is specified, positioning of the
added/deleted diff units is adjusted to make them easier to read. Then
their differences are shown using the `g:DiffColors` option. It is also
possible to select two area in the same window. If `!` flag is specified,
each line is separately compared, which would be useful particular for
columns in a table on blockwise area. Redundant lines in the line-by-line
comparison are shown with "strikethrough".
* `:VDiffoff[!]`
* Clear the selected area in the current window and reset the differences.
When there are two area selected in the same window, both area will be
cleared. But either one is cleared if the current cursor is located within
it. If `!` flag is specified, clear and reset all area in the current tab
* `:VDiffupdate`
* Compare the selected area again and show their differences in the current
tab page, when you make changes to the selected area or you want to change
the `g:DiffUnit` or `g:DiffColors` option or some flags in the 'diffopt'
#### Options
These options are same as those used in the [diffchar.vim](https://github.com/rickhowe/diffchar.vim) plugin.
* `g:DiffUnit`, `t:DiffUnit`: A type of difference unit
| Value | Description |
| --- | --- |
| 'Char' | any single character |
| 'Word1' | `\w\+` word and any `\W` single character (default) |
| 'Word2' | non-space and space words |
| 'Word3' | `\<` or `\>` character class boundaries (set by `iskeyword` option) |
| 'word' | see `word` |
| 'WORD' | see `WORD` |
| '[{del}]' | one or more diff unit delimiters (e.g. "[,:\t<>]") |
| '/{pat}/' | a pattern to split into diff units (e.g. '/.\{4}\zs/') |
* `g:DiffColors`, `t:DiffColors`: Matching colors for changed units (`hl-DiffAdd` for added units)
| Value | Description |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | `hl-DiffText` (default) |
| 1 | `hl-DiffText` + a few (3, 4, ...) highlight groups |
| 2 | `hl-DiffText` + several (7, 8, ...) highlight groups |
| 3 | `hl-DiffText` + many (11, 12, ...) highlight groups |
| 100 | all available highlight groups in random order |
| [{hlg}] | a list of your favorite highlight groups |
* `g:DiffPairVisible`, `t:DiffPairVisible`: Visibility of corresponding diff units
| Value | Description |
| --- | --- |
| 0 | disable |
| 1 | highlight with `hl-Cursor` (default) |
#### Keymaps
These keymaps are same as those used in the [diffchar.vim](https://github.com/rickhowe/diffchar.vim) plugin.
| Mapping | Default Key | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevStart` | `[b` | Jump cursor to the start position of the previous diff unit |
| `<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextStart` | `]b` | Jump cursor to the start position of the next diff unit |
| `<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevEnd` | `[e` | Jump cursor to the end position of the previous diff unit |
| `<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextEnd` | `]e` | Jump cursor to the end position of the next diff unit |
These keymaps are used only in this plugin.
| Mapping | Default Key | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `<Plug>(VDiffthis)` | `<Leader>t` | * Call `:VDiffthis` for the visually selected area<br>* Set the selected motion and text object area as the Visual one and then call `:VDiffthis` |
| `<Plug>(VDiffthis!)` | `<Leader>T` | * Call `:VDiffthis!` for the visually selected area<br>* Set the selected motion and text object area as the Visual one and then call `:VDiffthis!` |
| `<Plug>(VDiffoff)` | `<Leader>o` | Call `:VDiffoff` in the current window |
| `<Plug>(VDiffoff!)` | `<Leader>O` | Call `:VDiffoff!` in the current tab page |
| `<Plug>(VDiffupdate)` | `<Leader>u` | Call `:VDiffupdate` in the current tab page |
#### Demo
