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98 lines
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" diffchar.vim: Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words
" ____ _ ____ ____ _____ _ _ _____ ____
" | | | || || || || | | || _ || _ |
" | _ || || __|| __|| || | | || | | || | ||
" | | | || || |__ | |__ | __|| |_| || |_| || |_||_
" | |_| || || __|| __|| | | || || __ |
" | || || | | | | |__ | _ || _ || | | |
" |____| |_||_| |_| |_____||_| |_||_| |_||_| |_|
" Last Change: 2024/02/14
" Version: 9.7 (on or after patch-8.1.1418 and nvim-0.5.0)
" Author: Rick Howe (Takumi Ohtani) <rdcxy754@ybb.ne.jp>
" Copyright: (c) 2014-2024 Rick Howe
" License: MIT
" This 9.x version requires:
" * the OptionSet autocommand event triggered with the diff option
" patch-8.0.0736 (nvim-0.3.0), patch-8.1.0414 (nvim-0.3.2)
" * window ID argument in matchaddpos()/matchdelete()/getmatches()
" patch-8.1.0218 (nvim-0.3.5), patch-8.1.1084 (nvim-0.4.4)
" * the DiffUpdated autocommand event
" patch-8.1.0397 (nvim-0.3.2)
" * the win_execute() function
" patch-8.1.1418 (nvim-0.5.0)
if exists('g:loaded_diffchar') || !has('diff') || v:version < 800 ||
let g:loaded_diffchar = 9.7
let s:save_cpo = &cpoptions
set cpo&vim
" Options
if !exists('g:DiffUnit') " a type of diff unit
" let g:DiffUnit = 'Char' " any single character
" let g:DiffUnit = 'Word1' " \w\+ word and any \W single character
" let g:DiffUnit = 'Word2' " non-space and space words
" let g:DiffUnit = 'Word3' " \< or \> character class boundaries
" let g:DiffUnit = 'word' " see word
" let g:DiffUnit = 'WORD' " see WORD
" let g:DiffUnit = '[{del}]' " a list of unit delimiters (e.g. "[,:\t<>]")
" let g:DiffUnit = '/{pat}/' " a pattern to split (e.g. '/.\{4}\zs/')
if !exists('g:DiffColors') " matching colors for changed units
" let g:DiffColors = 0 " hl-DiffText only
" let g:DiffColors = 1 " hl-DiffText + a few (3, 4, ...)
" let g:DiffColors = 2 " hl-DiffText + several (7, 8, ...)
" let g:DiffColors = 3 " hl-DiffText + many (11, 12, ...)
" let g:DiffColors = 100 " all available highlight groups in random order
" let g:DiffColors = [{hlg}] " a list of your favorite highlight groups
if !exists('g:DiffPairVisible') " a visibility of corresponding diff units
" let g:DiffPairVisible = 0 " disable
" let g:DiffPairVisible = 1 " highlight
" let g:DiffPairVisible = 2 " highlight + echo
" let g:DiffPairVisible = 3 " highlight + popup/floating at cursor pos
" let g:DiffPairVisible = 4 " highlight + popup/floating at mouse pos
" Keymaps
for [key, plg, cmd] in [
\['[b', '<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevStart',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#JumpDiffChar(0, 0)'],
\[']b', '<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextStart',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#JumpDiffChar(1, 0)'],
\['[e', '<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevEnd',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#JumpDiffChar(0, 1)'],
\[']e', '<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextEnd',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#JumpDiffChar(1, 1)'],
\['<Leader>g', '<Plug>GetDiffCharPair',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#CopyDiffCharPair(0)'],
\['<Leader>p', '<Plug>PutDiffCharPair',
\':<C-U>call diffchar#CopyDiffCharPair(1)']]
if !hasmapto(plg, 'n') && empty(maparg(key, 'n'))
if get(g:, 'DiffCharDoMapping', 1)
call execute('nmap <silent> ' . key . ' ' . plg)
call execute('nnoremap <silent> ' . plg . ' ' . cmd . '<CR>')
" Event groups
let g:DiffCharInitEvent = ['augroup diffchar', 'autocmd!',
\'autocmd OptionSet diff call diffchar#ToggleDiffModeSync()',
\'augroup END']
call execute(g:DiffCharInitEvent)
call execute('autocmd diffchar VimEnter * ++once
\ if &diff | call diffchar#ToggleDiffModeSync(1) | endif')
let &cpoptions = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: ts=2 sw=0 sts=-1 et