Update 2022-12-23 08:00 OpenBSD/amd64

This commit is contained in:
c0dev0id 2022-12-23 08:01:00 +01:00
parent e03c513330
commit af16fb60e8
3 changed files with 50 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -13,20 +13,13 @@ then
tmux rename-window -t $session:$window 'edit'
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window 'cd ~/website/site' Enter
if [ ! -z "$arg" ]
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window "vim $arg" Enter
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window "nnn" Enter
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window "nnn" Enter
# window 2
tmux new-window -t $session:$window -n 'build'
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window 'cd ~/website && make notify' Enter
tmux split-window -t $session:$window -v
tmux resize-pane -t $session:$window.1 -y 6
tmux send-keys -t $session:$window.1 'cd ~/website && make notify' Enter
tmux select-pane -U
# switch back to window 1
tmux select-window -t $session:1
luakit -n -u http://localhost >/dev/null 2>&1
# attach to session

.gitconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[user "git@git.codevoid.de:"]
name = Stefan Hagen
email = sh+git@codevoid.de
[user "git@github.wdf.sap.corp:"]
name = Stefan Hagen
email = stefan.hagen@sap.com
[user "git@github.infra.hana.ondemand.com:"]
name = Stefan Hagen
email = stefan.hagen@sap.com
[url "git@github.wdf.sap.corp:"]
insteadOf = https://github.wdf.sap.corp/
[url "git@github.infra.hana.ondemand.com:"]
insteadOf = https://github.infra.hana.ondemand.com/
[user "git@git.github.com:"]
name = c0dev0id
email = sh+github@codevoid.de
name = c0dev0id
email = sh+git@codevoid.de
host = github.wdf.sap.corp
protocol = git
[http "https://github.wdf.sap.corp"]
sslVerify = false
rebase = true
autoSetupRemote = true
defaultBranch = main
tool = vimdiff2
tool = vimdiff2
directory = /usr/src
directory = /usr/ports
directory = /usr/ports/mystuff

View File

@ -26,18 +26,16 @@ unbind-key C-Left
unbind-key C-Right
# prefix + arrow creates pane in direction
bind Left split-window -h -b
bind Right split-window -h
bind Up split-window -v -b
bind Down split-window -v
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
# select panes using Ctrl-Arrow without prefix
bind -n M-Left select-pane -L
bind -n M-Right select-pane -R
bind -n M-Up select-pane -U
bind -n M-Down select-pane -D
# select panes using Ctrl-Arrow
bind Left select-pane -L
bind Right select-pane -R
bind Up select-pane -U
bind Down select-pane -D
# resize panes
bind -n C-Left resize-pane -L 1