299 lines
9.1 KiB
299 lines
9.1 KiB
-- luakit configuration file, more information at http://luakit.org/ --
require "lfs"
local unique_instance = require "unique_instance"
unique_instance.open_links_in_new_window = true
-- Set the number of web processes to use. A value of 0 means 'no limit'.
-- luakit.process_limit = 1
-- Load library of useful functions for luakit
local lousy = require "lousy"
-- Cookie acceptance policy
soup.accept_policy = "no_third_party" -- always, never, no_third_party
-- Cookie storage location
soup.cookies_storage = luakit.data_dir .. "/cookies.db"
-- Load users theme
assert(lousy.theme.get(), "failed to load theme")
-- Load users window class
local window = require "window"
-- Load users webview class
local webview = require "webview"
-- Add luakit://log/ chrome page
local log_chrome = require "log_chrome"
window.add_signal("build", function (w)
local widgets, l, r = require "lousy.widget", w.sbar.l, w.sbar.r
-- Left-aligned status bar widgets
-- Right-aligned status bar widgets
-- Load luakit binds and modes
local modes = require "modes"
local binds = require "binds"
-- Settings (the commented ones do not [yet] work)
local settings = require "settings"
local settings_chrome = require "settings_chrome"
settings.window.home_page = "luakit://newtab"
-- settings.window.scroll_step = 20
settings.window.zoom_step = 0.2
settings.webview.zoom_level = 125
settings.window.close_with_last_tab = true
-- search engines
settings.window.search_engines.ddg = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s"
settings.window.search_engines.g = "https://google.com/?q=%s"
settings.window.search_engines.mg = "https://metager.org/?q=%s"
settings.window.search_engines.gh = "https://github.com/search?q=%s"
settings.window.search_engines.default = settings.window.search_engines.ddg
-- Optional user script loading --
-- Add adblock
-- local adblock = require "adblock"
-- local adblock_chrome = require "adblock_chrome"
-- Enable Developer Tools
-- local webinspector = require "webinspector"
-- Add uzbl-like form filling
-- local formfiller = require "formfiller"
-- formfiller.extend({
-- pass = function(s) return io.popen("pass " .. s):read() end
-- })
-- Add proxy support & manager
-- local proxy = require "proxy"
-- Add quickmarks support & manager
-- local quickmarks = require "quickmarks"
-- Add session saving/loading support
-- local session = require "session"
-- Enable Gopher protocol support
local gopher = require "gopher"
-- Delete website data
-- local clear_data = require "clear_data"
-- Add command to list closed tabs & bind to open closed tabs
local undoclose = require "undoclose"
-- Add command to list tab history items
-- local tabhistory = require "tabhistory"
-- Add greasemonkey-like javascript userscript support
--- local userscripts = require "userscripts"
-- Add bookmarks support
-- local bookmarks = require "bookmarks"
-- local bookmarks_chrome = require "bookmarks_chrome"
-- Add download support
local downloads = require "downloads"
local downloads_chrome = require "downloads_chrome"
downloads.default_dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Downloads"
-- Add automatic PDF downloading and opening
local viewpdf = require "viewpdf"
-- Add vimperator-like link hinting & following
local follow = require "follow"
-- Add command history
local cmdhist = require "cmdhist"
-- Add search mode & binds
local search = require "search"
-- Add ordering of new tabs
-- local taborder = require "taborder"
-- Save web history
local history = require "history"
local history_chrome = require "history_chrome"
-- :help pages
local help_chrome = require "help_chrome"
local binds_chrome = require "binds_chrome"
-- Add command completion
local completion = require "completion"
-- Press Control-E while in insert mode to edit the contents of the currently
-- focused <textarea> or <input> element, using `xdg-open`
-- local open_editor = require "open_editor"
-- local editor = require "editor"
-- editor.editor_cmd = "hterm vim {file}"
-- NoScript plugin, toggle scripts and or plugins on a per-domain basis.
-- `,ts` to toggle scripts, `,tp` to toggle plugins, `,tr` to reset.
-- If you use this module, don't use any site-specific `enable_scripts` or
-- `enable_plugins` settings, as these will conflict.
-- require "noscript"
local follow_selected = require "follow_selected"
local go_input = require "go_input"
local go_next_prev = require "go_next_prev"
local go_up = require "go_up"
-- Filter Referer HTTP header if page domain does not match Referer domain
-- require_web_module("referer_control_wm")
local error_page = require "error_page"
-- Add userstyles loader
local styles = require "styles"
follow.stylesheet = follow.stylesheet .. [===[
#luakit_select_overlay .hint_label {
background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;
border: 1px solid #f00 !important;
padding: 1px !important;
color: #181818 !important;
font-size: 16px !important;
opacity: 0.7 !important;
-- Hide scrollbars on all pages
-- local hide_scrollbars = require "hide_scrollbars"
-- local vertical_tabs = require "vertical_tabs"
-- Add a stylesheet when showing images
-- local image_css = require "image_css"
-- Add a new tab page
local newtab_chrome = require "newtab_chrome"
newtab_chrome.new_tab_src = [==[
<head><title>New Tab</title></head>
<body bgcolor=black></body>
-- Add tab favicons mod
local tab_favicons = require "tab_favicons"
-- local tab = require("lousy.widget.tab")
-- tab.label_format = ""
-- local tablist = require("lousy.widget.tablist")
-- tablist.min_width = 100
-- Add :view-source command
-- local view_source = require "view_source"
-- Use "asdfqwerzxcv" for generating labels
local select = require "select"
select.label_maker = function (s)
return s.trim(s.sort(s.reverse(s.charset("qwertzuiopasfghjklyxcvbnm"))))
follow.pattern_maker = follow.pattern_styles.match_label
-- -- social media enhancer
-- local webview = require "webview"
-- webview.add_signal('init', function (view)
-- view:add_signal('navigation-request', function(v, uri)
-- if v.uri:match('https://www.reddit.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%www.reddit.com', 'old.reddit.com')
-- return true
-- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://new.reddit.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%new.reddit.com', 'old.reddit.com')
-- return true
-- end
-- -- if v.uri:match('https://old.reddit.com') then
-- -- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%old.reddit.com', 'libreddit.kylrth.com')
-- -- return true
-- -- end
-- -- if v.uri:match('https://old.reddit.com') then
-- -- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%old.reddit.com', 'libreddit.kylrth.com')
-- -- return true
-- -- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://www.twitter.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%www.twitter.com', 'nitter.net')
-- return true
-- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://twitter.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%twitter.com', 'nitter.net')
-- return true
-- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://www.youtube.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%www.youtube.com', 'tube.cadence.moe')
-- return true
-- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://youtube.com') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%youtube.com', 'tube.cadence.moe')
-- return true
-- end
-- if v.uri:match('https://youtu.be') then
-- v.uri = v.uri:gsub('%youtu.be/', 'tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=')
-- return true
-- end
-- end)
-- end)
-- social media blocker
-- local webview = require "webview"
-- webview.add_signal('init', function (view)
-- view:add_signal('navigation-request', function(v, uri)
-- local blocklist_pattern = {
-- "facebook.com",
-- ".fb.com",
-- ".fbcdn.com",
-- ".fbsbx.com",
-- ".fbcdn.net",
-- ".tfbnw.net",
-- "whatsapp.com",
-- "online-metrix.net",
-- ".fb.me",
-- "facebook-web-clients.appspot.com",
-- "fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net"
-- }
-- for key,value in ipairs(blocklist_pattern)
-- do
-- if v.uri:match(value) then
-- print("Navigation request to " .. v.uri .. " blocked.")
-- return false
-- end
-- end
-- end)
-- end)
-- End user script loading --
-- Open window
-- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80