870 B
870 B
vim port of highlightparentheses.el which gives rainbow parens propagating from the cursor
Enabled with autocmds ( :h autocommand )
au! cursormoved * call PoppyInit()
au! cursormoved *.lisp call PoppyInit()
or even make a mapping:
augroup Poppy
augroup END
nnoremap <silent> <leader>hp :call clearmatches() \| let g:poppy = -get(g:,'poppy',-1) \|
\ exe 'au! Poppy CursorMoved *' . (g:poppy > 0 ? ' call PoppyInit()' : '') <cr>
modify coloring by changing g:poppyhigh
, which is a list of highlight group names.
If you want only 1 paren level highlighted, let g:poppyhigh
to a list with 1 group name.
If you want the highlighting to include matches which are under the cursor, like the matchparen plugin
included with vim, let g:poppy_point_enable = 1