
187 lines
3.9 KiB

# Render a zodiac page
action = "none"
ext = "none"
main = "_main"
helpers_loaded = "no"
layout = ""
split(FILENAME, parts, ".")
ext = parts[length(parts)]
if (FILENAME == "-") {
action = "config"
} else if (ext == "meta") {
action = "meta"
} else if (ext == "layout") {
action = "layout"
} else {
action = "page"
filter_ext = ext
# Process lines from meta files
action == "meta" {
split($0, kv, ": ")
data[kv[1]] = kv[2]
# Done processing meta
# Since data is loaded now, load the helpers
action != "meta" && action != "config" && helpers_loaded == "no" && helpers == "yes" {
helpers_loaded = "yes"
# Process lines from the page
action == "page" {
if (!contents[main]) {
contents[main] = bind_data($0)
# save the extension for this content type
# to find the appropriate filter to render it
filter_exts[main] = ext
} else {
contents[main] = contents[main] "\n" bind_data($0)
# Process lines from the layout
action == "layout" {
# replace yield with rendered content
if (match($0, /{{{yield}}}/)) {
sub(/{{{yield}}}/, escape_special_chars(render_content(main)))
if (layout == "") {
layout = bind_data($0)
} else {
layout = layout "\n" bind_data($0)
if (layout != "") {
print layout
} else {
print render_content(main)
function bind_data(txt, tag, key) {
if (match(txt, /{{> ([^}]*)}}/)) {
tag = substr(txt, RSTART, RLENGTH)
match(tag, /([[:alnum:]_]|[?]).*[^}]/)
key = substr(tag, RSTART, RLENGTH)
partial_txt = load_partial(key)
gsub(tag, escape_special_chars(partial_txt), txt)
return bind_data(txt)
} else if (match(txt, /{{([^}]*)}}/)) {
tag = substr(txt, RSTART, RLENGTH)
match(tag, /([[:alnum:]_]|[?]).*[^}]/)
key = substr(tag, RSTART, RLENGTH)
gsub(tag, escape_special_chars(data[key]), txt)
return bind_data(txt)
} else {
return txt
# Returns the text from a partial
# It will load the partial from the cache if possible.
# Otherwise it will open the partial file and load each
# line.
# Nothing is returned if the file doesn't exist.
function load_partial(key, partial, partial_file, line) {
partial = partials[key]
if (partial) {
return partial
} else {
pwd = ENVIRON["PWD"]
partial_file = pwd "/" proj "/" key ".partial"
if (is_file(partial_file)) {
while((getline line < partial_file) > 0) {
if (partial_txt) {
partial_txt = partial_txt "\n" line
} else {
partial_txt = line
partials[key] = partial_txt
return partial_txt
# Check if a file exists
function is_file(file) {
check = "[ -f " file " ] && echo yes"
check | getline response
if (response == "yes") {
return "yes"
function render_content(type, ext_key, filter_ext, filter_cmd, txt) {
ext_key = type "_ext"
# Get the extension of the content type
filter_ext = filter_exts[type]
# Get the appropriate filter command for this extension
filter_cmd = filter[filter_ext]
# Get the text of the content for the given type
txt = contents[type]
if (filter_cmd != "none") {
return run_filter(filter_cmd, txt)
} else {
return txt
function run_filter(cmd, txt, rand_date, tmpfile, rendered_txt, date_cmd, filter_cmd, line) {
date_cmd = "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
date_cmd | getline rand_date
tmpfile = "/tmp/awk_render" rand_date
filter_cmd = cmd " > " tmpfile
# pipe content to filter command
print txt | filter_cmd
# pull out the filtered page
while((getline line < tmpfile) > 0) {
rendered_txt = rendered_txt "\n" line
system("rm " tmpfile)
return rendered_txt
# Prevent awk from replacing ampersands with matched text
function escape_special_chars( txt) {
gsub(/&/, "\\\\&", txt)
return txt