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List of the channels with corespondend ID Source In browsermenu let's show extras > sideinformation > media In the URL of the graphic you'll find the ID of the channel

'ard': 71, 'zdf': 37, 'zdf neo': 659, 'zdf info': 276, 'arte': 58, 'wdr': 46, 'ndr': 47, 'mdr': 48, 'hr': 49, 'swr': 50, 'swr': 10142, 'br': 51, 'sr': 12052, 'rbb': 52, '3sat': 56, 'alpha': 104, 'kika': 57, 'phoenix': 194, 'tagesschau 24': 100, 'one': 146, 'rtl': 38, 'sat 1': 39, 'pro 7': 40, 'rtl plus': 12033, 'kabel 1': 44, 'rtl 2': 41, 'vox': 42, 'rtl nitro': 763, 'n24 doku': 12045, 'ntv': 66, 'kabel 1 doku': 12043, 'sport 1': 64, 'eurosport 1': 65, 'esports': 12102, 'super rtl': 43, 'sat 1 gold': 774, 'vox up': 12125, 'rtl up': 12033, 'welt der wunder': 135946, 'home und garden tv': 12105, 'sixx': 694, 'sixx': 769, 'servus tv': 660, 'servus tv': 770, 'welt': 175, 'euronews': 68, 'bild': 146, 'orf 1': 54, 'orf 2': 55, 'orf 3': 56, 'orf 3': 757, 'tele 5': 277, '7maxx': 783, 'dmaxx': 507, 'dw': 300, 'fox': 565, 'srf 1': 59, 'srf 2': 60, 'srf info': 231, 'disney': 139, 'nickelodeon': 485, 'comedy central': 532, 'tlc': 135954, 'deluxe music': 511, 'dt. musik fernsehen': 570, 'tv berlin': 1192, 'franken fernsehen': 151, 'hamburg 1': 153, 'münchen tv': 262, 'rnf': 211, 'rheinmain tv': 403, 'spreekanal': 236, 'bbc world news': 67, 'cnn': 69, 'cnbc': 538,